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“We’re not the enemy, Lars,” Calliope said, chiming in. “It’s not our fault that she’s become so popular with the guys this year.”

“True,” I conceded. “But that still doesn’t change the fact that I don’t know you guys well.”

“What?” Julie practically shrieked. “We’ve been going to school together our whole lives, Lars. How do you not know us?”

“What’s my favorite color?” I asked, looking between the girls. “What’s my favorite food? What kind of movies do I prefer?”

“That’s enough,” Edie ordered quietly. “They get the point.”

“That still doesn’t mean that we’re going to cut Edie up, then sell her organs on the black market,” Tiffany huffed. “We’re not psychopaths.”

“That remains to be seen,” I retorted, making Edie tug on my hand again.

“Knock it off, Lars,” she repeated. “Behave.”

“Good luck with that,” Tiffany snorted.

“Well, if anyone is capable of getting me in line, it’s Edie,” I informed her.

“Oh, really?” Calliope asked, reading between the lines.

“Yeah, really,” I replied, staring her in the eye.

“Well, isn’t this an interesting development,” she smirked.

Just then, Dillon joined the group. “What’s going on?”

“Edie and Lars are dating,” Calliope announced like we were being presented to the King of England.

“What? No way?” Dillon gawked.

I looked over at my friend. “Spread the word, will you? I don’t need guys still thinking that Edie’s single.”

“Or you can just piss on my shoe,” Edie deadpanned.

I looked down at my girl. “Don’t think that I won’t.”

Her blue eyes widened. “Do you even knowhowto behave like a normal human being?”

“Man, this is fucking crazy,” Dillon cackled. “Does Talon know? How are you even alive right now?”

“Talon knows,” I assured him. “He knows, and he approves.”

“Holy shit,” he laughed. “I never thought I’d see the day when Lars Finley would settle down.”

“Yeah, miracles happen every day,” Edie quipped.

This time, I was the one that tugged on her hand. “Behave.”

“No problem, Pot…Kettle? Which do you prefer?” she drawled out, eyeing me with those brilliant blue eyes of hers.

Before we could debate any further, the first warning bell of the morning rang, and we all kind of just stood back as Dillon raced towards the school, yelling out the news of mine and Edie’s relationship. You’d think that he was an eighth-grade girl with the way that he was carrying on. I wouldn’t be surprised if all my social media feeds started blowing up with his nonsense.

That got me to thinking…

“Have you updated your social media accounts?”

All four girls looked my way, Edie looking like I’d lost my damn mind.
