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“You know that we are,” I snapped, not liking the direction of this conversation.

“Then going to the colleges that are the best for what we want shouldn’t threaten that, right?”

“So, what?” I bit out, sitting up straighter. “You’re just fine with living across the country from me?”

“No,” she rushed out. “Of course, that’s not what I’m saying.

“Then what the fuckareyou saying?”

Edie let out a low breath. “I want to go to John Hopkins, Lars.”

That had my head rearing back. “That’s in fucking Maryland.”

“I’m aware,” she deadpanned.

I ran a hand through my hair. “Jesus fucking Christ,” I swore under my breath.

“Lars? Can you do this?”

My eyes snapped with fire. “Dowhat?”

“Long distance if that’s what’s needed?”

“Have you lost your goddamn mind?” I hissed. “Are you seriously asking me that?”

Her blue eyes slid away. “Have you ever gone a long time without sex before?”

My hands reached for her, grabbed her hips, then sat her on my lap. “Let’s get something straight here, Edie,” I told her, taking her face in my hands. “We’re not fucking. If that’s all we were doing, then yeah, I could understand how you might see that as a problem. However, since we’re in a relationship, that changes the rules a bit.”

Edie’s face softened. “I didn’t mean to imply-”

“Yes, you did,” I said, cutting her off, correcting her. “You did, and I get it, baby; I really do.” I pushed her mused hair back from her face. “I get that this is still new for you, and that you’re probably going to have doubts every now and again, but I’m hoping that you’ll see how real this is by the time that we graduate.” I stared into her eyes. “I am in love with you, Edie Draven. You’re the only girl that I have ever said that to, and you’re the only girl that I willeversay that to. If we end up across the country from each other, it’ll be hard, but it’ll also be okay.”

“How can you know that?” she asked softly.

“Unlike you, Idohave the experience of knowing that what I feel for you is the real thing,” I answered. “Even though sex is a part of our relationship, it’s not why we’re together, Edie.” I took in a deep breath. “Baby, I love you. I love you, and while the idea of being away from you turns me violent, I will do whatever needs to be done to have forever with you.”

Her eyes watered a bit. “So, you’re promising me that it won’t matter which colleges we go to?”

“I swear it on my life, Edie.”

She leaned down, then stretched her body out over mine. “Okay.”

“Everything will be fine, baby,” I assured her. “You just gotta trust me.”

“I do,” she semi-lied. “I just think…with Tal, Kenzlee, Alexandria, and Hunter all gone…I just…maybe it just still feels so fresh, you know? Everyone leaving.”

“You might be right,” I agreed. “However, Hunter’s coming home this weekend for a visit, so maybe that will help.”

“Just him?”

“As far as I know,” I answered as I slid back down onto the bed, Edie’s body positioned perfectly over mine. “You know, there’s no law that says we can’t visit them.”

I felt her chuckle softly before saying, “Lars?”

“Yeah, baby?”

“I’m going to start my period.”
