Page 27 of The Scout

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Mia had just unlocked her car when I heard my name being called. Heavy, quick footsteps had me looking behind me. Cash hurried to where I stood. The car shook when Mia closed her door, leaving us alone.

“Please don’t be angry with me about the kiss. I didn’t plan it.”

“I know. I’m not mad.”I’m turned on.

He let out a breath. “Thank you.”

“We’re not the same people we were back then. It’s easy to get wrapped up in it all, but that can’t happen again.” Cash’s Adam’s apple bobbed in the soft glow of the moon. He suddenly looked younger, like the boy I once loved. Before I knew it, I said, “I’ll tell Jimmy tomorrow. Come to my house around two. I think you’re right and you should be there.”

Cash wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. That time I let my arms circle his waist in reciprocation.

“I promise everything will be okay.”

Releasing my hold, I leaned back and nodded, praying he was right. “See you then.”

He opened my door, bent down, and looked at Mia. “Great seeing you again. Drive safe.”

“You too.”

He closed my door, Mia started the car, and we pulled out of the lot. “We’re going to tell Jimmy tomorrow.”

She reached across the console and took my hand in hers. “Everything will be fine.”

“I hope so, Mia. I really hope so.”



I tossed and turned all night. The significance of the conversation I needed to have with Jimmy weighed heavily on my heart and mind. All I knew was I couldn’t let what happened with Cash at the reunion cloud my judgment. The best way to deliver this news to Jimmy was through honesty.

If only it were that easy.

Jimmy’s life was going to change ... all our lives were. He was going to be so disappointed in me.ThatI knew for a fact. So many people say that parents shouldn’t be friends with their kids. I never really understood that. Yes, being his mom was most important, but we trusted each other, and we were closer than close. The thought of his disappointment in me was unbearable.

I wasn’t naive enough to think that the day would never come. Yet, for some reason, I’d let the years slip by—my mistake. A formidable ache grew in my chest, forcing my hand to idly try to rub the pain away. Closing my eyes, I took a cleansing breath, doing anything I could to squelch my nerves.


Cash:Hi. Is he home?

Yes. He came home a little while ago. He’s in the shower. I’m so nervous.

Cash:I’ll be right over.

Maybe I should do this alone.

Cash:I’d like to be there. Please.

His clear desire made me wonder if he thought I owed it to him ... to be there when I told our son. It made sense if he felt that way. Maybe it was exhaustion or fear on my part, but I agreed.

Ten minutes later, the shower turned off, and at the same time, there was a knock. Letting out my breath, I walked across the room and opened my front door. Cash smiled like only he could.

“Hi, come in.”

Surprising me, he kissed my cheek. “Hi.”

“Can I get you something?”
