Page 28 of The Scout

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Cash shook his head and rubbed his hands together before running one through his hair. My eyes tracked the movement. “Sorry, I wasn’t really nervous until I got here.”

“You’re lucky. I’ve been nervous for fourteen years. Would there be a day that someone pieced the puzzle of us together? It baffles me that no one has. There are so many similarities it sometimes makes me wonder how it hasn’t been exposed yet. Then again, they probably know you’re richer than rich and can sue them.” I was rambling and barely making sense.

“I didn’t see it when he pitched to me. I knew there was something about him, but the thought that he was my son never crossed my mind. Until he said his last name. But even then, as you know, I didn’t connect the dots.”

“Well, they’re connected now.”

“Are you ready to do this?”

“No, but I know I need to. He’s going to hate me. I spent most of my night and morning rehearsing what I wanted to say to him, but ultimately, it all sounded awful and hollow. I can explain how I tried to tell you, but how do I explain why I didn’t tell him?” I shook my head and sat down on the sofa.

“We’ll talk to him together.”

“I should have told him. Jimmy had the right to know.”

“Right to know what?” He began descending the steps, and when he jumped off the last two, landing on the floor, he spotted Cash sitting in the chair kitty-corner from me. “Oh, hi, Mr. Jameson. I mean Cash.” He laughed.

Cash stood and shook his hand. “Hey, sport.”

Jimmy turned to me. His sweet face looked more and more like his father’s. His blue eyes shifted between me and Cash. “Hi. It’s so weird that you’re here.” He chuckled, bringing a smile to my face. “I feel like I grew up watching you on TV.”

Cash’s eyes met mine. “Honey, I need to talk to you about something.” I tried to keep the tremble from my voice, but that didn’t work very well.

Worry flashed across his sweet face. “What’s going on? Did something happen at the reunion last night?” That was when his eyebrows hit his damp hairline, and a smile spread across his face. “Are you guys together?”

“No,” I stated quicker than Cash could have countered with anything else. Yes, we had fun, and his kiss was one I’d never forget. But lips like his—strong, confident, and firm—demanded my heart come to life. Despite all that, we were not back together.

He chuckled and put his hands up. “Okay, okay. Just wondering. Max’s aunt told Max’s mom that she saw you two kissing last night. One of the guys from my team thought it was cool.”

Great.Damn small town. Everyone probably knew about that kiss. It hadn’t helped that it had happened in the middle of a reunion full of our classmates. “Right, well, anyway, that isn’t important. But there is something we need to talk about. Come here and sit down with me.”

I shifted over, giving him space. Jimmy flopped down and ran his hand through his damp hair, shoving it back in a haphazard style. Other than the birds chirping outside and the hum of the refrigerator running in the kitchen, the room fell silent.

Cash nodded, and I angled my body toward my son. “A long time ago,” I heard my trembling voice say. That was one of the beginning lines I had rehearsed but didn’t want to use.

After my long pause, Jimmy took my hand and gave it a squeeze. “Is it Grandma or Grandpa?”

The worry in his voice had me shaking my head. Not wanting to cause him any more stress, I started with, “No, sweetheart, they’re fine. It’s about your father.”

“My father?” He glanced at Cash, who sat with his right ankle balanced on his left knee, his index finger rubbing just below his lower lip and his eyes focused on his son.

“Why?” Jimmy asked.

“Before I tell you about him, I need you to understand something. I tried everything I could to let him know about you. Years went by, and then I wasn’t sure how he’d react to knowing we had a son. Although I should have known that once he met you, he’d instantly fall in love. I mean, who wouldn’t?”

“I’m confused. Are you saying he met me? When? Who is he?”

All the moisture in my mouth dried and threatened to come out of my eyes. I didn’t want to cry. I couldn’t cry. I was the strong one. The one who nursed him when he was sick. Helped him with his homework, drove him to practices and games. I was his constant.

He was my purpose.

“Me,” Cash blurted, causing both our heads to snap in his direction.

My jaw went slack. I wanted to throttle him. In all my rehearsed conversations, never once did I imagine him being the one to utter those words. I was supposed to explain it to Jimmy a bit more subtly. Except, unlike Cash, the truth clogged my throat. But that one word had just created a tsunami.

Before I could say anything, Jimmy flew up off the couch and again ran his hand through his hair, much like Cash did when he felt stressed or anxious. The two of them were standing. Meanwhile, I was afraid my legs wouldn’t hold me if I tried, so I remained seated.

“You’re my dad?”
