Page 54 of The Scout

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“Earth to Hannah ...”

I looked at Mia. “Sorry, my mind wandered. Did you say something?”

“No, I’m just worried about you.”

“See that out there?” I pointed to Cash and Jimmy, who were laughing about something. “That could have been us for fourteen years. Since day one, my son missed out on that bond. As much as I forgive Cash because I do, I’m just still so upset for all of us.”

“This is what I’m saying. You can get it back. Cash—”

“Is leaving,” I reminded her.

“Did you ever think of moving?”

“To Utah?” I asked incredulously.

“It would be horrible not having you here, but yes. Have you thought about it?”

“No. And for very good reasons.” Raising my hand, I stuck out my thumb. “One, even if we moved there, Cash travels for work and wouldn’t be around. Two,” I said, raising my index finger, “my family and friends are here.” Adding my next finger, I continued, “Three, I don’t want Jimmy’s closest relatives by distance to be Cash’s father. And lastly, and probably the most important reason, he never asked.”

“I wouldn’t want you to go. I was only wondering. And you know he didn’t ask because he assumes you’d say no.”


Was that the reason? I had no idea, but it didn’t matter anyway because it wouldn’t happen. The wheels on the back door squeaked against the track as Jimmy slid it open. “Mom, do we have any lemonade?”

“No, but I’ll make some.”

“Great. Thanks. Cash—I mean, Dad and I are thirsty.”

Cash stepped in behind Jimmy, and I couldn’t stop my mouth from watering. Rather than risk staring at him, I busied myself with a pitcher, water, and lemonade mix.

“Hi, ladies.”

Cash’s deep voice had me gripping the spoon tighter as I stirred the tart liquid.

I turned and gave him a quick, close-lipped smile.

“Hi, Cash. You looked good out there, Jimmy,” Mia told him.

“Thanks, Aunt Mia. I’m learning a lot. Adding a nasty sinker to my arsenal.”

Cash laughed and Mia’s brows furrowed. “I don’t know what that means, but if you’re happy, then that’s great.” Mia laughed again. “How are you doing, Cash?”

“I’m great. A band is playing at Earl’s just outside of town. Thought it’d be fun and maybe you’d want to go?”

His eyes darted between me and Mia. For a moment, I wasn’t sure who he was asking. Mia looked at me. “You should go. I’ll hang out with Jimmy.”

“Hey! I don’t need a babysitter.”

“Did I saybabysit? No, I saidhang out.” Mia playfully shoved Jimmy’s shoulder.

He rolled his eyes. “Semantics.”

“Smarty-pants,” she joked.

Ignoring them, Cash went on to say, “I was thinking the three of us could go. Mia, if you want to ask someone ...”

At the same time I said, “I don’t think so,” Mia chimed in and said, “That sounds like fun, but I don’t really have anyone to ask.”
