Page 101 of Fakers with Benefits

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“But how can you promise that? You can’t be in two places at once. And why are you following me and not with Evan? Isn’t he the actual target and I’m just collateral damage? Why is no one protecting him!”

“Easy, Nicky.” He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “Breathe.”

I sucked in a shaky breath. Why was I dizzy?

“We’re doing everything we can to keep you safe. You have a full security detail. We’ve been monitoring your apartment, your jobs. You’ve had at least two people on you at all times.”

“I have?” I gawked at him. “When did that start?”

“The night we got the first letter that mentioned you.”

“You mean someone has been following me for a month and I didn’t notice?”

“I’m pretty good at what I do.” He grinned and squeezed my hand. “If I do say so myself.”

“You’vebeen following me?”

“It sounds less creepy if you say I’ve been guarding you or protecting you.”

“You really want to argue semantics when Ijustfound out you’ve been tracking me like a deer in hunting season for a month!”

“Again with the language. Tracking, hunting… I’m on your side here.”

“Are you? What about Evan? You’re his family, and you just left him vulnerable for a whole month while you’ve beenprotectingme?”

“I have a full detail on Evan too. I know this is a shock, but do you really think I’d risk my best friend?”

“No,” I conceded. “But why are you on my detail and not his?”

“Because he might be my brother, but he’s also my boss. He told me to be your primary, so I’m your primary.”

“I still can’t believe you’ve been following me around for a month and I never noticed.” I kicked the back of the seat in front of me. “Am I that oblivious, or are you that good?”

“I’m that good.”

“So good that you messed up and I saw you today?”

He smiled crookedly. “You’re the one who took a different route and made me adjust my routine. And you only saw me because I wanted you to.”

“What do you mean?”

“I love Evan, and I respect him, but he’s not thinking clearly right now. He wanted me to stay stealth because he didn’t want to scare you or stress you out. But you can’t protect yourself if you don’t know what’s going on. And full disclosure, my job is a hell of a lot easier when I don’t have to waste my time and energy ducking behind things or hiding in plain sight.”

“I suppose it would be.” I dug the fidget spinner Zane had given me out of my pocket. “But just so you know, I’m not completely weak and useless.” I flicked the blade open. “I can protect myself.”

“Do you know how to use that?”

“Zane showed me.”

“Have you ever used it on someone?”

I shook my head.

He held out his hand. I carefully placed the handle on his palm.

“This is a nice blade.” He examined it closely. “Where did you get it?”

“Zane and River.”
