Page 120 of Fakers with Benefits

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How anyone could find themselves lucky enough to be with him and not do everything in their power to make him feel good was beyond me.

“Mmmhmm. I like being squished, but you’re getting heavy.”

Mindful of his altered state, I rolled us over and hugged him against me. He nuzzled into my pec and threw one leg over my thighs.

“You’re comfy.” He sifted his fingers through my chest hair.

“So are you.”

“Is there something wrong with me?”

“No. You’re perfect.”

“Are you sure? That phone thing was soooo hot. Is it weird that I liked it?”

“I liked it. Do you think I’m weird?”


“Then why would I think you are?”



“I don’t know. Never mind.”

“Do you want to take a shower with me?” I asked, knowing now wasn’t the time for a discussion.


“Or you can take a bath if you’d prefer.”

“Is your bathroom as fancy as this room?”

“Fancier. The master bath was the main selling feature when I bought the place.”

“Then hell yeah.” He smiled up at me. “But cuddles first. My legs are still trembling.”

I kissed the tip of his nose. He let out a little giggle-breath and pressed his face into my chest. “Take all the time you need.”

He snuggled into me and sighed happily.

My mind raced as I held him, gently stroking his back and hair.

One of the reasons I never let go of my control wasn’t just because I worried I could hurt people. I kept it locked down because releasing it turned me into a possessive, single-focused bastard who ignored reason and put the object of my desire above anyone, and anything, else.

It left me vulnerable and gave my enemies a weakness to use against me.

Because of that, I’d always been able to maintain a level of emotional distance with my partners, even with my one failed relationship.

But I was finding it harder and harder to convince myself that Nick and I were nothing more than fake boyfriends who fucked.

He felt like mine.

But he wasn’t.

“Ready to show me your amazing bathroom so I can pretend like I’m mad at you for having it?” Nick asked, breaking me free from my spiral.
