Page 125 of Fakers with Benefits

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“Are you mad at me?” I asked Gray softly as the rest of the guys agreed with Blaze.

“No.” He kissed my cheek. “But that thing when you were being followed, what was that? Are you really okay?”

“That was…a misunderstanding. Evan, that’s my boyfriend, his friend was checking up on me and I overreacted when I saw him because I didn’t recognize him until he got closer.”

“Are you sure that’s all it was?”

“I’m sure. And I’m sorry I scared you. Things have just been so insane lately. I’ve been staying with Evan in Seattle and—”

“You’re already living with him?” Gray exclaimed.

I shook my head. “No, no. I’ve just been crashing at his place since it’s easier than having to commute to see him.”

“You’re sure everything is okay?” Gray asked again.

I slid off his lap. “Yup. All’s good—Jesus!”

River burst out laughing as I stumbled back from Zane, who’d come up behind me and scared the ever-loving daylights out of me when I turned around.

Gray steadied me as Zane stuck his phone under my nose. “Is this your guy?”

I looked at the screen and the photo of Evan and Emily on it. “How the hell did you figure that out? I didn’t tell you anything about him.”

“You told Gray his name is Evan and said he lives in Seattle. Wasn’t hard to find him based on that.”

“The FBI or the CIA or whatever agency deals with spy stuff should have recruited you years ago. You’re one scary dude when you do that shit. You know that, right?”

He winked and graced me with a rare smile. “Just looking out for you, kiddo.”

“Thanks, babes.” I pecked a kiss against his cheek. “You okay? Your face is extra grumpy today.”

“Fine.” He shrugged and looked away. “Just dealing with an asshole at work.”

“Not this guy, I hope.” I poked Gray in the butt.

He jumped and let out a surprised squeal.

“Nah.” Zane whipped off his shirt. “A new guy.”

“What did he do?” I tugged off my hoodie.

Like Zane, I’d layered my workout gear under my street clothes so I didn’t have to bother changing before rehearsal.

“Exist.” Gray snapped his rolled-up shirt at Zane’s ass.

Zane didn’t flinch as it smacked him.

“Exist?” I asked when no one elaborated.

“Zane doesn’t like Rath but can’t give anyone a reason why,” Gray explained. “So he pretty much hates the guy for existing.”


“His last name is Rathbone,” River said. “And since we love nicknames on the crew, he’s Rath.”

“Bone.” I snickered. “What’s his first name?”

“No clue. But it’s probably something stupid like Brett or Hayworth.” Zane laid his phone on a nearby table.
