Page 132 of Fakers with Benefits

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“Prezzies for me?”

“Yes.” I smiled indulgently at his enthusiasm.

It didn’t matter what I gave him, Nick always responded with the same level of excitement. He didn’t care about how much something cost, he only cared that I’d thought of him. That wasn’t just refreshing, it tickled the part of me that loved to spoil and provide for the people in my life.

“Gimme!” He made grabby hands at Vlado, his smile wide and brilliant.

“There’s something I want to show you before you open them.” I took his hand.

“You know that’s just mean, right? Dangling presents in front of me but making me wait to open them is a form of torture. It’s basically the same as being waterboarded.”

Vlado let out a strangled snort-laugh. “Do you know what waterboarding is?”

“Isn’t it that thing where they drip water on your head to drive you crazy?”

“That would be water torture.” He grinned. “Waterboarding is a little more…involved than that.”

Nick took my hand and let me pull him off the couch. “Either way, making me wait is torture.”

“I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

“I don’t know about that.” He followed me as I led him toward my gym. “Are we going to your room? Oh! Are we going to bone on your swinger’s hammock? That’s like the only thing in there I haven’t jizzed on yet.”

“Do I want to know?” Vlado asked me over his shoulder.

“No.” I turned to Nick. “And also no.”

“Boo. You’re no fun.”

“That’s not what you said while you were kneeling under my desk at lunch,” I pointed out.

“I wasn’t saying anything then because your dick was too far down my throat to talk,” he countered sweetly.

“You had a better lunch hour than I did,” Vlado mused as I opened the hallway door to my home gym. “I was drowning in paperwork and you got some afternoon delight.”

“We need to find you a girl,” Nick said. “That way you can get some afternoon delight too.”

“I’ll take all the help I can get. It’s been…a long-ass time since I had the opportunity for any delight.”

“Is that because Evan is a bossy boss who works you too hard and won’t let you have a life?”

“You know it.” Vlado grinned and shot me some finger guns, rattling the handful of packages he was still clutching.

“I’m standing right here,” I said dryly.

“So where’s my surprise?” Nick asked. “Are you guys going to do some lifting for me? You know how much I love it when you get all grunty and sweaty.”

“Not quite.” I pushed the door to the gym open. “I did some redecorating. What do you think?”

“What in the fifty shades of stripping is this?” he gasped.

I’d had a crew come in and install a small stage Nick could use where the yoga area used to be. It had lights, a music system, a detachable pole, and the whole thing was on a floating pad that would absorb any shock or impacts to help protect his joints. Across from the stage was a new leather armchair.

“You said you needed a place to practice.” I motioned to the stage. “Does this work?”

“It works.” He slid his gaze to mine. “And I’m guessing that chair isn’t there for me to rest my heinie in while I’m taking a water break?”

“You could also use it for that.”
