Page 131 of Fakers with Benefits

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“Everyone ready?” Kai called when we’d gotten back on our marks.

Focusing on Kai, I shut down the multiple trains of thought racing through my mind and waited for him to count us in.




The elevator chimed as it reached my floor. The doors slid open, and I stepped into the apartment, already scanning the main room for Nick.

He’d only been staying with me for a few days now, but each night I’d come home to find him waiting on the couch for me.

I’d never had that, and knowing he was going to be there, full of smiles and his contagious energy, made coming home something I looked forward to instead of something I dreaded.

“Hi,” he greeted as I came into the room.

“Hi.” I loosened my tie. A little flare of possessiveness went through me when I noticed the oversized sweater he had on. “Is that my hoodie?”

“Do you mind? I got cold and it smells like you.”

“Not at all.” I swallowed. “It looks good on you.”

“It’s not as comfy as you, but it did the trick while I was waiting. How was your day?”

“Long.” I smiled wryly and tugged off my tie. “But it’s over.”

“Yikes. That’s not good.”

I stopped behind the couch and pulled off my suit jacket. Nick’s eyes tracked the jacket as I tossed it over the back of the couch. I needed to have it cleaned after Nick’s lunchtime visit so I wasn’t worried about wrinkles.

“Well, it’s good because it’s over, but not good that you wanted it to be over. I mean, I guess you’d want every day to be over, but notoverover. Like game over, you’re dead over. That would be bad.”

Chuckling, I rolled up the sleeves of my dress shirt. “Your mind is a fascinating place.”

“It’s something, that’s for dang sure,” he grumbled. “Try living with it and see howfascinatingit is.”

“Did you have a good day?” I asked.

“Good enough. Better now that I got my daily dose of suit porn.”

“I thought you got that when you came to my office for lunch?” I flirted.

“That was bonus content. I’m talking about the nightly suit-porn show.”

“Did you get up to anything interesting?” I leaned my hands on the back of the couch. The last of the tension that had been simmering under the surface of my skin dissipated.

His stare dropped to my forearms. “I swear I never had an arm fetish until you. How are your forearms so sexy?”

“Maybe it’s the rolled-up sleeves. I’ve noticed they can have quite the effect on people.”

“That’s got to be it.” He lifted his eyes to mine and pouted. “You’re late.”

“I know.” I smoothed one hand through his hair. He pressed into the touch with a happy little sigh. “But I think you’ll forgive me when you see why I’m late.”


Nick got up on his knees and looked around me as Vlado stepped out of the elevator carrying two handfuls of shopping bags.
