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“Positive. The last event we worked together I made less than two hundred bucks for five routines. I make way more than that on a regular night.”

“That’s… I give a cut of my tips to the house to offset that.”

“We’ve never seen that money.”

“Holy shit.” He raked a hand through his hair. “That’swhy everyone is always so cold to me. Why no one seems to like me. I thought it was because I do porn.”

“Dude, we’re strippers. You really think any of us is gonna give a crap that you fuck on camera? Hell, I looked into it, and I know I’m not the only one who has.”

“I can’t believe they’d do that.” He paused. “Scratch that, Icanbelieve it, but I had no idea any of this was happening.”

“Did you hear about what happened to Gray? And what they’ve been doing to our tips?”


“Gray got beat up last week. A bunch of drunk alpha wannabes showed up and one of them started abusing his girl and Gray tried to stop him. He and his buddy beat him so bad he had to go to the ER and he can’t work for weeks.”

Stone’s eyes were so wide it would have been funny if we weren’t talking about something so serious.

“Then, after the twins took him to the hospital, we found out Corey’s been skimming our tips.”

He looked at me like,What?

“Yeah,” I said. “There was a whole scene and a huge blowout, but he’s been doing it for months when he collects the tips that end up on the stage.”

“Jesus. That’s…”

“He cut the twins from tonight’s roster too,” I blurted. Now that I’d started talking, I couldn’t seem to shut up. “Texted them an hour before I got here and said not to come in. They think it’s because they told him to fuck off and took Gray to the ER after Corey told them to finish their shift.”

“After hearing that, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised. I’ve always gotten a bad vibe off them.”

“Me too!”

He patted my knee. “No wonder you’re distracted tonight.”

“Oh, that’s not what’s distracting me.”


I clamped my mouth shut. Should I tell him?

Stone was older than me, and I supposed he had a lot of experience dealing with businesspeople. Maybe he could help.

“We had a private event last night,” I started.

He nodded encouragingly.

“A bachelorette party. They were great. Super respectful and tipped well. But the brother of the bride…”

“Was he inappropriate toward you?”

“I don’t think so. He overtipped.”

Stone tilted his head but didn’t say anything.

“And when I went to him after the event to tell him he was a moron for handing me hundred-dollar bills like they were BOGO coupons and to give them back, he gave me his business card and said he has a job offer for me.”

“What’s the job?”
