Page 148 of Fakers with Benefits

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“I won’t have to explain anything. No one will fault me for defending myself.”

“Defending yourself after you choked me and bounced my head off the goddamn floor? You attacked me.”

“Did I? That’s not what I remember.” He laughed manically, sounding as unhinged as he looked.

“Evan is going to kill you for this. Not only are you cheating on his sister, but you just put hands on his partner.”

“You’re not his partner.” He primly tucked in his shirt, still red-faced and breathless.

“Newsflash, you unfrosted Pop-Tart. I am his partner.”

“No. You’re not.”

“I’m seriously questioning which one of us just took two hits to the head because you’re talking crazy.”

He snarled at me and adjusted the sleeves of his shirt. “I’ve known Evan for a long time. I know his tastes, his proclivities, and his history. You might think you won the lottery and bagged yourself a rich sugar daddy, but you’re not special, Nick. You’re just one in a long line of boy toys.”

“You’re wrong.”

“Evan has a pattern, did you know that? He finds a young, pretty plaything and uses them for sex until he gets bored. It’s only a matter of time before a shiny new toy catches his eye and you’re right back in the strip club shaking your ass for tips.”

“You’re so far off the mark, my dude.”

“Am I?” He grinned darkly. “Are you saying he hasn’t been showering you with lavish gifts? He’s not paying your bills and he didn’t move you into his house so your ass would be available whenever he wanted it?”

“You’re wrong.”

“He bought you. Plain and simple. You’re the only one dumb enough to not see it. Do you really think someone like Evan could ever truly be interested in someone like you? You’re a prop, kid. A pretty piece of eye candy he can parade around. You’re nothing. You come from nothing, and you will always be nothing.”

“I don’t know what you’re playing at, but it’s not gonna work. You can’t distract me from the fact you’re a cheater, and I’m going to sing like a damn canary to anyone who’ll listen.”

“I’m not trying to distract you.” He glared at me, the casual cool from a moment ago already gone. “I’m merely explaining why no one will believe a word you say. I’ll deny what you think you saw, and so will Imogen.”

“You can deny it until the cows come home and you’re blue in the face, but you’re not going to get away with any of this.”

“I already have.” He grinned, but it just looked wrong. Like if an alien were trying to recreate what they thought a human smile looked like without ever seeing one.

“You’re insane. Like certifiable.”

“And you’re naïve if you think anyone in this family gives a shit about you. Evan is using you to get his inheritance. It’s obvious to everyone with eyes. You’re nothing but a means to an end for him.”

“I’m done listening to your villain monologues. I’m out.” Throwing up my hands, I stalked toward the door.

Malcolm’s hand closed down on my shoulder.

I dropped my arm and spun away, forcing him to lose his hold.

He growled and grabbed at me again.

This time I was ready, and caught his arm, using his momentum to take him off his feet. As he was falling, I torqued his arm, got my hip under him, and flipped him onto his back.

He landed on the floor with a high-pitched squawk and a satisfying thud.

Still holding his arm, I twisted his shoulder until he screamed. Then, for good measure, I yanked his hand back and added just enough pressure on his elbow that it hit his max stretch point.

“Let go!”

“Fuck you.” I resisted the urge to kick him square in the ribs, and the balls, as payback. The fucker didn’t deserve my self-restraint, but I refused to fight dirty. “Fuck your stupid face and your shiny hair.”
