Page 156 of Fakers with Benefits

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“You’re mine.”

“That’s a good start. What else?”

I pulled him toward me and held him close as our chests bumped. “I’m yours.”

“Better,” he said quietly. “What else?”

“I love you.”

His breath caught. “You do?”

“Yes. I love you, Nick.” I looked into his eyes so he could see how true the words were.

He swallowed thickly. “I love you too. But you really need to work on your timing.”

“I know.” Chuckling, I bent to give him a soft kiss. “I didn’t expect this. I thought I was done with love and relationships, but then you happened and now I can’t imagine spending a single day without you.”

“You’re saying all that sweet stuff again.”

“And I mean every word. I love you, Nick. I want to build a life with you.”

“Are you sure? It’s only been a few months. How do you know you won’t get sick of me? Maybe you should take that back until you’ve had to put up with me for longer.”


“I can’t do it. I can’t love you and be with you and then lose you because I’m me. I won’t survive it—”

I cut him off with another tender kiss.

“I love you, Nicky. I don’t care if it’s been two months or two years or two lifetimes. I.” A kiss. “Love.” Another. “You.” A third.

“So, are we like, real boyfriends?” he asked tentatively when I pulled back, his cheeks ruddy and his lips already kiss-swollen.


He beamed. “I didn’t lie to everyone!”

“I’m sorry?” I asked, trying to keep up.

“My friends. I told them you’re my boyfriend and now it’s true, so I didn’t lie to anyone. But now I have to tell Aiden that you’re not just my sugar daddy. Ugh. He’s gonna be allI told you sobecause he did and he’s never gonna let it go.”

Circling my arm around him again, I tugged him down the hallway.



“Can I sleep in your bed tonight?” he asked, peering up at me through his lashes.

“You’ll be sleeping inourbed every night from now on.”

“Our bed?”


I’d never forgive myself for putting Nick in harm’s way, even if he had. And I’d never forget how proud I’d been when we’d burst into the office to find Nick standing over Malcolm and completely in control of the situation.

Nick was strong and capable and the most incredible person I’d ever known. I needed to make things right with him, and with everyone in my life.
