Page 155 of Fakers with Benefits

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“They did?”

“Yes. We couldn’t be sure if it really was him, or if someone was trying to frame him, so we broke into his office and searched it.”

“And you didn’t think to tell me about this plan?”

“It wasn’t really a plan, more of a spur-of-the-moment decision.”

“I can accept that. And I guess I did kinda help. Sort of. I’m not happy that you used me to keep Emily distracted so you could snoop through her house, but body-slamming lemon face and watching him almost pee himself with fear was soooooo cathartic that I forgive you.”

“I should have told you, even just to keep you informed. I just… I was irrational. If I hadn’t needed evidence against him, I would have killed him just for being adjacent to the threats against you. Mastermind or no.”

“Look at you being all badass.” Nick smiled, some of his usual brightness back. “I’m guessing you found something while you were playing spy?”

“We did. Evidence that he’s behind the threats, and evidence of some disturbing things he’s been doing behind the scenes of my father’s company.”

“Disturbing like he’s a secret furry with a scat fetish, or disturbing like illegal?”

“Both. No furry or scat, but highly illegal and extremely unethical.”

“And you’re not telling me because you don’t think I can handle it, or becauseyoucan’t?”

“Because it makes me sick to think about. He’s involved with human organ trafficking.”

Nick stumbled. “Jesus H Christ. Actual organs? Like on the black market?”

I nodded.

“I knew there was something hinky about him. Iknewit.” He rubbed his throat again.

I tugged him to a stop. “What’s wrong with your neck?”

“Nothing. I think it got a bit bruised when lemon face used my shirt like a leash and tried to choke me out.” He undid the top button of his shirt. The skin underneath was already a soft purple.

My vision went red.

“Ev!” Nick grabbed my arm and hauled me to a stop.

“I’m going to kill him,” I snarled.

“No, you’re not.” He shoved me back and put himself between me and the hallway we’d just walked down. “I’m fine. It’s just a few bruises.”

The shock of the last hour had worn off, and now all I could feel was pure, unadulterated rage at Malcolm for everything he’d put Nick, my sister, and me through.

“He hurt you.”

“I hurt him worse.”

“It doesn’t matter. He knows me. And he knows what happens when you fuck with what’s mine.”

“You saying I’m yours?” He quirked his eyebrow at me.

“Of course you are.”

“I am? Since when?”

“Since…” I paused, some of my haze clearing. “I forgot to tell you, didn’t I?”

He put his hands on his hips and gave me an unimpressed look. “Um, yeah. So, is there something you want to tell me?”
