Page 159 of Fakers with Benefits

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“One sec.” I grabbed Zane’s shirt and dragged him into a group hug with River. “You know I love you, you big goobers.” I pecked a kiss against each of their cheeks.

“Darling.” Evan’s tone was a little more forceful.

“Yes?” I twirled around, still hanging off the twins.

“Perhaps you could put something on next time you greet your friends?”

“Huh?” I stepped back from the hug.

“Your dick’s out,” Zane said in his usual monotone.

“It is?” I looked down. “Oopsie.”

“It’s not a big deal,” River said to Evan. “We’ve seen Nick’s ding-a-ling more times than we can count.”

“I don’t think that’s as helpful as you think it is,” Quinn said as Gray folded his lips into a tight line, like he was holding back a laugh.

“You’re lucky you’re hot,” I said to River, my voice heavy with affection.

He winked, still grinning.

Evan came up behind me and wrapped the towel around my waist. “I know your friends are used to seeing you nude, but I’m not used to seeing that, so perhaps you could cover up while I’m around?”

“I’ll try to remember.” I grinned at him. “But you know me, I’m all about having a free-range tallywhacker while on vacay.” I dropped a kiss to Evan’s lips as my friends snickered behind me. “I’m really happy, but I’m so confused. What’s going on?”

“I invited your friends to stay with us for the rest of our vacation.”

“For real?” I gaped.


“We found this guy at the airport.” Gray pointed at the door to our villa, where Vlado and Emily were standing. “He was nice enough to give us a ride.”

“Eeek!” I sprinted across the deck and leapt at Vlado. “You’re here too!”

He laughed and let me koala hug him. Once I was on the ground again, I turned to Emily and caught her as she gave me the same treatment I’d given her man.

Vlado and Emily had gotten together shortly after the incident with Malcolm had gone down, and I was beyond happy for them. They were the cutest couple, and they absolutely adored each other.

“Is this the new piece?” I asked, catching Emily’s wrist so I could look at her inner forearm.

One thing no one had seen coming was the physical transformation in Emily now that she was completely free of all the bullshit expectations that had been put on her.

Now she fully embraced her inner goth girl and was in the process of getting all the tattoos she’d put off because of the constant pressure she’d been under to fit in with all the other socialites.

“It is.” She peered around me and waved River, who’d drawn the artwork for her, over.

He bounded over, a big smile on his face.

I glanced over at Evan as River, Vlado, and Emily talked tattoos. He stood with Gray and Quinn, laughing and chatting about something while Zane had claimed my lounger and was sipping from the bottle of water I’d stashed beside it.

Evan caught my eye and gave me a little wink.

My heart swelled with love.

This was the life I’d always imagined for myself. Not the fancy vacation or the exotic locale, but being surrounded by my chosen family and having the opportunity to share new experiences with them.

Evan wasn’t just the love of my life, he was my soulmate. We fit together in every way possible, but still had enough differences to keep life interesting. He balanced out my chaotic energy and accepted all of me without reservation.

He was my person, and I was so damn lucky he chose to love me too.

* * *
