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I wasn’t ashamed to say I’d watched his porn. He knew how to use that body in every way that mattered.

I lifted my gaze to his face, to find him grinning at me.

“Like what you see?” he asked, a teasing lilt in his voice.

“Duh, dude. Have you seen you?”

With a wink he headed toward the prop closet to get the rest of his costume on before his set.

Usually the final number of the night was a group routine, but since Stone was the headliner, he got that honor all to himself, which would’ve had me sitting in the corner sulking and being mad at him. Except now that I knew the truth I felt guilty as fuck for being such a dickbag to him.

I’d never actually watched Stone dance unless I was on stage behind him playing backup. Even then, I’d been so focused on my choreography and not screwing up or smashing into anyone, I hadn’t paid him much attention.

Curious, I hurried over to my locker and pulled on my clothes. No one noticed as I slipped out of the back room and made my way to the bar, sticking to the walls and shadows to keep out of sight.

“And now, to close out our night,” JJ said over the loudspeaker. “Let’s welcome Stone back to the stage.”

The crowd screamed with the excitement of someone getting a free car from Oprah as the stage lights dimmed. A spotlight flashed on, revealing Stone as he stood in the center of the stage. The opening bars of “High for This” by The Weeknd filled the air. Red lights illuminated the background of the stage, growing with intensity and dimming in swells that matched the sensual flow of the song.

Stone had put on a dress shirt, a tie, and a pair of slacks, pulling off the sexy CEO look with flawless perfection. Confidently, he sauntered to the pole, his strides long and fluid.

Leaning against it, he mindlessly tugged off his tie. The beat kicked in as he tossed the tie aside. He spent the next minute working off his shirt as he rolled his hips in time to the music. He kept his expression bored and his movements casual, like he was alone in his room after work and getting ready for some sexy times before bed.

The voyeuristic approach was a hit, and the crowd was hollering. One lady a few feet away kept yelling “I love you!” over and over. Another screeched about wanting to have his babies.

As soon as the flow of the song changed, Stone flung his shirt off and gripped the pole, hooked his knee around it, then slowly spun in a circle, still acting as casual as could be as the crowd went bananas.

He touched his feet back to the floor and rolled his body in a wave as he leaned back, grinding on the pole and working it with the same skill he used on camera.

My dick stirred with interest as he continued to tease the audience with the pole and on the floor. Holy hell he was incredible. No wonder people flocked to see him every month.

Just before the three-quarter mark of the song, when the music intensified and the tempo changed into a slightly faster but even more sensual tune, Stone tore off the dress pants and leapt at the pole.

Christ Almighty.

My jaw dropped as he spun and flipped around it. Not only was he impressively flexible, his technique was flawless. He was hands-down the best pole dancer I’d ever seen, and he deserved every single bill that rained down on the stage as he pulled off one seemingly impossible move after another.

When the song finally ended, Stone slid down the pole like a fantasy fireman heading off to put out a fire with his dick, but instead of going to the platform to get his tips, he strode to the edge of the stage and sank down onto his knees, his legs spread wide and his fingers laced behind his head.

Women rushed the stage. A line formed in front of him, hiding whatever was going on.

I lifted on tiptoe to see through the crowd. When that didn’t work I jumped, trying to get high enough to see over them.

Finally, on my fourth leap, the throng parted enough I got a clear view. Stone was in the same pose, smirk-smiling as women stuffed bills into his briefs until they bulged with more than just his dick.

Something was off, though. He seemed to be enjoying the attention, but I knew that blank stare. He was disassociating hard.

Keeping to the shadows, I slipped into the back room to wait for the event to shut down and the club to empty.

It had been a weird-ass night, but in a good way. I had a solid plan for tomorrow, and I’d gotten to know Stone after all this time.

I just had to get through tomorrow. One more day and then I’d find out what Mr. Fancy Shoes wanted from me so my brain could finally stop obsessing over him and his mysterious offer.



Leaning back in my chair,I watched the security cam feed on my computer screen.
