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“Doesn’t matter if we are. Your health is more important than a party.”

“What do you like?” Vlado looked at me in the rearview mirror. “We can hit a drive-thru or stop somewhere.”

“A drive-thru is good. I’ll eat literally anything.” I paused. “Unless it’s not food, or it’s still alive. Or marzipan. Those are my hard no’s.”

Vlado chuckled. “I can work with that.”

I peered at Evan to make sure he wasn’t angry. He smiled and patted my knee reassuringly.

That simple touch sent flickers of heat through me that started in my stomach and went straight to my balls.

He’s being nice, don’t read into things, I warned myself.

Evan’s phone rang.

“I have to get this,” he said at the screen.

I turned my attention to the window once again, as Vlado drove down a residential street.

Outside of his outburst, Evan seemed like a decent guy. Pretending to be his boyfriend shouldn’t be too hard.



“Oh my godthat was the longest four hours of my life.” Nick slumped in his seat as Vlado drove us away from the hotel the party had been held at. “Please tell me that was a fluke and these things aren’t that boring?”

“I wish I could. But most of the events I attend are as dry and tedious as that was.”

“Ugh.” He sighed theatrically. “Why are businesspeople always so boring? All they talked about was money. How much they have, how much they want to make. What they’ve bought and how much they spent. I swear to Christ I almost stomped on that old dude’s foot when he was going on about how he bought his new place because it has parallel hallways in it for the staff because seeing his staff moving about the house makes him uncomfortable. Or that other old guy who kept talking about how many subsidies he gets, but then turns around and says he deserves more. He’s making millions a year. Why is he getting financial help when regular people are having to choose between rent and food?”

“Because he can.”

“Who was that chick in the red dress? The blonde who was hanging off that dude who looks like the Cryptkeeper?”

“That’s Cecelia. She’s Bryant’s wife.”


“It’s quite the scandalous story. She was his ex-wife’s assistant up until a year ago.”

“Really?” He brightened up. “Finally some juicy gossip. Tell meeverything.”

I chuckled at his sudden enthusiasm. “She worked for Maryse, his fifth wife. He seems to have an age limit, and when his current wife is close to thirty, he divorces her, pays her off, and marries her replacement. Cecelia is a few years older than you. They were married only days after his divorce to Maryse was finalized.”

“Bet his other wives were counting on him kicking the bucket so they could get their bag,” he said thoughtfully.

“That’s the consensus.”

“Do you think they have to fuck him?” He scrunched up his nose adorably. “Can you imagine what eighty-year-old balls look like? Bet they’re like prunes stuffed into stretched-out stockings.”

Vlado made a strangled sound from the driver’s seat. “Did you really have to putthatimage in my head?”

“Sorry not sorry. If I have to picture it, you do too.” Nick grinned sweetly at Vlado in the rearview mirror.

“I’m never going to be able to look at Bryant the same way,” I drawled.

“Also not sorry.” Nick brushed his hair back from where it had fallen over his eye. “How did we do? Think people were fooled?” he asked me.
