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The weird thing about it was how it didn’t seem lived in. The rooms were sparsely decorated and were mostly devoid of personal touches. It was way too much space for one person, and even though he’d told me to make myself comfortable and feel free to use the amenities, I hadn’t done more than wander around.

The cavernous rooms and gleaming surfaces weren’t the least bit welcoming, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was being watched or that someone would jump out and yell at me if I disturbed the silence of the house.

Evan had told me he was dealing with some issues at work, and he’d canceled the event we were supposed to attend last night. He’d said it was a baby sprinkle, and after looking up what the hell a baby sprinkle was, I hadn’t been too broken up over missing it.

The next event we were supposed to attend was tomorrow night, and it was a benefit his mother was throwing. It was also the first time I’d be meeting his family.

Well, officially meeting them. I’d sort of met Emily at her bachelorette party but didn’t think that counted since our only interactions had been her stuffing cash in my undies after I ripped off my clothes to music.

Dropping my arms, I headed toward the door. I needed to get out of this room before I went stir-crazy.

The late hour meant the staff had all gone home for the night, and I had no idea if Evan was even home. He’d mentioned that Vlado lived in the pool house out back, but I hadn’t thought to check if the lights were on or if there were any signs of life in the sprawling structure.

Gingerly, I made my way down to the kitchen, trying not to freak myself out by picturing all sorts of scary things lurking in the shadowy corners, ready and waiting to jump out at me.

By the time I made it to the kitchen, I was half in a tizzy from self-induced fear and my imagination.

I was so out of it I didn’t think to question why the lights were on. Not until I rounded the corner and saw a dark figure pulling something out of the fridge.



The figure spun around, a huge knife in its hand.

“Don’t kill me!” I scrambled back but tripped over my own foot and landed on my ass on the cold tile floor.


“Evan?” I blinked as the figure came into focus. “You scared me!”

“I can see that.” He put the knife and whatever he had in his other hand down on the counter and hurried over. “Are you hurt?”

“I don’t think so.” I let him pull me to my feet. “But my butt isn’t all that happy with your floor right now.” I rubbed a sore spot just below my tailbone. “Why were you lurking in the dark?”

He glanced around.

“I mean the metaphorical dark.” I snapped my mouth closed, only then realizing he was naked from the waist up, and only had a pair of capri sweatpants on. “Oh that’s not fair.”

“Metaphorical dark? And what’s not fair?” He folded his lips and pressed them into a tight line, like he was trying to stop himself from grinning.

“You know, the metaphorical dark. It’s late and your house is super creepy, so even the lights don’t make it not dark and scary.”

His shoulders shook with the effort to not laugh.

“And you were waving a knife! Who does that?”

“Someone who’s making themself a sandwich.”

“Say what?”

He motioned to the counter where a cutting board, a loaf of bread, and a few jars and containers were laid out.

I eyed his washboard stomach. “You eat?”

“I don’t know how to answer that.”

“I mean, I know you eat. But you can cook?”
