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“I’ve been putting in more hours than usual at the office.” He gathered up the jars and containers to put back in the fridge. “How’re you finding the house? Is there anything you need?”

“A map would be useful. Do you have any idea how weird it is to be in a house big enough to get lost in?”

“I’ve gotten turned around a few times, if that makes you feel better.”

“You get lost in your own house? And you don’t think that’s a sign that maybe you don’t need all this space?”

“This isn’t my house.”

“What?” I yelped. “We’re trespassing?!”

“It’s a rental.”

“The fuck is going on with the housing market ifyoucan’t afford to buy a house in this economy?”

“I can afford to buy a house. In fact, I have three houses.” He closed the door to the fridge.

“I know you didn’t mean that to sound like anana nana boo boo, I’m rich you’re poor type thing, but it totally did. Anyway, if you have so many houses, why did you rent this monstrosity?”

“For security reasons.”

“That’s not a normal-people answer.”

“Unfortunately it’s all I can say right now.”

“What about that issue you were dealing with, is it better?”


“What’s going on? You don’t have to tell me, but sometimes it’s nice to vent to someone who’s completely removed from the situation.”

“I’m having some issues with Malcolm.”

“Your future bro-in-law?”

He nodded and put the cutting board and knife in the sink. “Malcolm has been with the company for a long time, and his engagement to my sister has given him a sense of entitlement that’s made him difficult to work with.”

“How long is a long time? He doesn’t look that old.”

“Ten years. He started working for my dad when he was twenty-five.”

“And how long have he and Emily been together?”

“Two years. They’ve been engaged for almost eighteen months now.”

“That feels quick.”

“It was, but Emily is happy and our parents are thrilled.” He finished washing the cutting board and laid it in the drying rack. “The issue I’m having is that Malcolm is the COO of my father’s company and he’s not happy that I’ll be inheriting the majority share when Dad retires. He’s been increasingly vocal about his doubts that I can run two companies.”

“That’s a lot for anyone. You already work too much. You can’t add another full-time job on top of that.”

“I don’t plan to.” He finished wiping down the counter and draped the cloth over a small hook on the side of the trough sink. “I’m appointing a new CEO who’ll take over when my father retires. I’ll oversee things, but my focus will be on my position within my company.”

“And I’m guessing you’re not promoting lemon face?”

He smirked. “I almost called him that today.”

“Really?” I grinned. “One day you should do it on purpose and record it. I will need to see that footage, please and thank you.”
