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“We are. Well, we’re getting to be. It’s complicated, but I work with him too.”

“Complicated like you and he had a thing?” He focused on whatever he was chopping as if he were going to be quizzed on it later. His jaw clenched and worked as he ground his teeth together.

“I wish, but alas, Quinn is very straight.”

Evan visibly relaxed.

“Are you jelly?” I teased.

“Of course not.”

I grinned at his clipped tone. “I’m not into any of my coworkers.”

“But you said you had a thing for Quinn?”

“He’s not really a coworker, and I don’t actually have a thing for him. He’s a headliner, so he only dances at the club once, maybe twice a month. And yeah, he’s hot, but I don’t think of him that way. He’s just a friend.”

“It’s none of my concern. You don’t have to explain anything to me.”

“Maybe not, but I’m just saying that I’m not into anyone at my work. They’re my friends, some of them are my best friends, but that’s it.”

Evan plated a tall sandwich and handed it to me, then made himself one. “I didn’t mean to make it seem like I was prying into your private life.”

“You weren’t. We agreed on exclusivity. Remember? You have a right to know if I’m breaking that. I’m not and I wouldn’t, but you’re allowed to ask.”

He looked at me, as if knowing I would want to ask questions, too.

“Have you ever hooked up with a coworker?” I started.

He shook his head and leaned his hip against the counter. “I have strict rules about mixing business and sex.”

“Rules as in you don’t do it?”


A little flutter of happiness tickled my chest. I wanted to roll my eyes at myself. Why did I care that he didn’t fuck people he worked with?

Trying to distract myself, I took a bite of the sandwich. A myriad of flavors exploded on my tongue as they blended into something absolutely delicious. “Holy shamrocks this is good.”

He chuckled and finished chewing his own bite.

We ate in silence, mostly because it was so good I didn’t want to pause long enough to talk. When my plate was empty, I put it on the counter and patted my stomach. “That hit the spot.”

“Glad you enjoyed it.” Evan busied himself with cleaning up.

“Need help?” I asked, planting my hands on the counter so I could jump off.

“I’ve got it.”

“Are you sure? I kinda feel like a tool just sitting here while you do the work.”

“It’s fine.” He smiled sheepishly. “I’m a bit particular when it comes to cooking and how my kitchen is kept.”

“You mean you’re anal and a clean freak?”

“Maybe a little bit.” He chuckled.

“I haven’t seen much of you the past few days. It’s weird to be in your house when you’re not here.”
