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“Were they sloppy, or did Vlado save you?”

“He saved me.” The tightness in my chest finally began to recede as Nick’s posture relaxed. “He’s saved me more than once.”

Nick’s mouth tilted up in a small smile. “Thanks for telling me. A lot of people think I’m dumb or flighty or that I can’t handle serious things. It means a lot that you didn’t try to hide this from me for my own good, or because you were trying to protect me.” He dropped his gaze to our joined hands, his eyes oddly blank and unseeing. “I’m not used to people treating me like an equal.”

Guilt rippled through me. I’d almost been one of those people.

“I’m sorry that’s been your experience,” I said softly.

“It is what it is.” He rolled one shoulder in a sort-of shrug. “I know I’m weird, and it’s hard to talk to me about normal stuff because my brain bounces around and I don’t always make sense. But I’m not stupid.” He peered up at me. “Not a lot of people take the time to find that out about me. They just assume I am and treat me like I can’t think for myself.”

“You’re not weird, Nicky. You’re fascinating.”

“That’s another way to say weird.”

“No, it’s not. If anything, I’m the weird one between us.”

He wrinkled up his forehead. “Huh?”

“I’m the one who needs things to be a particular way. Who craves order and predictability. The workaholic who has two friends and spends his free time making spreadsheets because numbers are relaxing. You’re…you’re a breath of fresh air after a storm. You brighten the room just by being in it, and you’re one of the most interesting people I’ve ever met. I never know what you’re going to say next, and I can honestly say that the time I’ve spent with you has been the most fun I’ve had in years.”

“Really?” he murmured.

“Yes. I’m sorry I brought you into this mess, but I’m not sorry I met you.”

“You can’t keep saying things like that to me.”

“Why not?”

“Because my brain can’t tell the difference between flirty and friendly. I know you’re being nice because of what you just told me, but you’re saying all these perfect things and I—”

I cut him off with a kiss. The anguish in his voice was heartbreaking.

“Ev?” he asked as I pulled away.

“I wasn’t just being nice. Yes, I meant what I said, but I was also flirting.”

“You were?”

I nodded.

“I hate that I’m like this.” He stole his hands free from mine and covered his face. “Do you have any idea how many times my stupid brain has gotten me in trouble?” He parted his fingers and peeked at me.

“I’m guessing a few times?”

“Soooooo many times.” He dropped his hands with a frustrated grunt. “People think I’m flirting when I’m being nice, or they think I’m being nice when I flirt. And I can never tell when people are hitting on me unless they’re super obvious or actually tell me they are. And you have no idea how many times people have lost their shit and accused me of leading them on when I thought we were just having a friendly conversation.”

“Well, I’m definitely hitting on you.” I stroked the backs of my fingers over his thigh.

His mouth quirked up in a tiny half-smile. “And what are you gonna do now that I know you are?”

I moved closer to him. “What do you want me to do?”

“Whatever you want.”

“Whatever I want?”
