Page 13 of Hayden

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So much for softening up; now I’m ready to strangle the man.

Can’t he just be gracious for once?

Rolling my eyes, I open the door, jump into the back seat, and slam it shut.

Hayden slips in on the other side, acting like everything is fine.

I let out a snort.

“What?” he asks.

I ignore him, and he shrugs and says, “Fine. Be that way.”

This guy.

Glaring over at him, I grind out, “If you must know, I was thinking about your ‘caveman’ question.”

“Oh, yeah?” He cocks his head. “What about it?”

I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t resist sniping, “I was just thinking that it’s a good thing he didn’t have an of-age daughter. Then I’m sure your ‘caveman’ side would have come out, along with, oh let me see”—I tick off—“big-time player, dog, and just general asshat.”

Hayden covers his heart, like I just stabbed him with a dagger. “Shit, Knight. You are brutal. But…” He lowers his hand and murmurs grimly, “I shouldn’t be surprised.”

Oof, low blow.

I guess I had it coming.I mean, I did divulge his secret fling, which led to him being traded. So, yeah, maybe my comment was a little brutal under the circumstances.

Should I tell him I really did it for Kristi?

And that no one expected him to be traded?

I open my mouth to come clean, but just as quickly, I snap it shut.

The reason doesn’t matter.

It’s probably better to just drop the whole subject.

So I do.

I take out some paperwork from my tote and pretend to review it while Hayden stares out the side window.

I wonder what he’s thinking about.

Probably how much he hates me and how us having to work together totally sucks.

Hey, I’m not thrilled either.

But it’s my job, and his, too, so what can we do?

I’ll just be happy to go home and not have to think about Hayden for what’s left of the day.

At least I have that—never having to see or deal with Hayden Harrington at my house.

I sigh, and we sit in silence the rest of the way back to the arena.

Once we’re there, without any sort of goodbye or farewell, we go our separate ways.

Hayden heads off to the player parking lot, and I walk to my car in the office employee area.
