Page 17 of Hayden

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Have I ever.

Quietly, I admit, “Er, yeah, I’ve seen him around a few times.”

I’m not sharing that he lives right next to me. That’ll lead to more questions and possibly even her asking me to spy on him or something even worse, like exacting more revenge.

No way.

I’m done with that.

“Huh,” she says on a sigh. “I guess that makes sense, you running into him here and there. I’m sure he has to participate in some of the events you’re working, right?”

“Um, yeah, he does,” I murmur, hoping she’ll drop the subject.

I just don’t want to talk about Hayden. I’ve had enough of him. Not to mention, I still don’t feel good about divulging their secret fling. As time goes on, and the more I have to think about it, I don’t think she should have asked me to get involved in the first place.

But, for my part, I should have said no.

Live and learn, I guess.

To change the subject, I ask her what she’s been up to.

To my surprise, she says, “Um, I’m being kind of bad again.”

“Wait, what? Again?” My heart sinks. “What does that mean, Kristi? What are you doing?”

Giggling, she says, “I’m dating another player from the team.”

Wincing, I ask, “Out in the open, I hope?”

“No way!” she shrieks. “My dad would kill me. You know that.”

More likely, he’ll have the guy traded.

I beg Kristi, “Please rethink this. You know secret flings do not—I repeat, donot—end well. There are consequences.”

But there’s no changing her mind.

She insists that she knows what she’s doing, and that this one won’t end badly.

We don’t talk that much longer. I’m just not into it after hearing her news, so I tell her I have some work to do online, which is true.

Once we disconnect, I sit and think about how I’ve learned a new lesson at the age of twenty-four.

Hey, better late than never.

In any case, I know now that I made a mistake back in Chicago. I never should have said a thing about Hayden and Kristi’s messy fling. It was not my place, even if, at the time, I thought I was helping out a friend.

Releasing a breath, I vow to stay out of other people’s love lives.

And even though mine is currently nonexistent, from this day forward, I promise to only concentrate on my own.


The first game of the regular season is a home match-up in Atlanta. We’re playing the New Jersey Devils.

Wow, and is it ever a lively and raucous crowd! My teammates and I can hear the fans from inside the locker room.

They are pumped.
