Page 28 of Arden

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“Yeah.” I sigh. “The problem is I like it a little too much.”

Shoving his food in his mouth, Nils shakes his head.

Once he swallows, he says, “I don’t know, man. That doesn’t sound like a problem. You’re both unattached. I say go for it.”

“No!” Now it’s my turn to shake my head. “You know I don’t do relationships, and I’m not going to hop into bed with Hayden’s future sister-in-law. That would cause all sorts of problems. He told me before he left that she had her heart broken not that long ago. Oh, and she’s supposedly sworn off men, anyway. Even if she’s backed off from that, I don’t want to hurt her. She’s too sweet.”

Nils looks over at me, pausing.

Fuck, he knows me, and he can tell I like this girl.

And I do.

I like her a lot, far more than I should.

“So you’re definitely not going to fuck her?” he clarifies.

“Good, God. No, dude,” I chuff. “Absolutely not. Not in any kind of way.”

Shaking his head, he says, “I don’t know what to tell you, then.”

“I don’t know either,” I admit as I finally take a bite of pasta. “But I’ll tell you one thing,” I state firmly once I’m done. “I’m staying in the friend zone with her, no matter what.”

I don’t like the look he gives me, like “yeah, right.”

It hits a little too close to home.

That’s okay, though.

I’ll just have to prove him wrong.


The movie ends, and the lights turn on in the theater. Good thing I wiped my eyes discreetly while it was still dark in here.

Okay, yeah, I cry at sad movies.

And this one was certainly that.

The only reason I was able to semi-hold it together was that Arden is next to me. He makes everything not so bad. Also, I didn’t want to appear to be a blubbering fool.

We’ll just have to stay away from the sad stuff.

This is the second time Arden and I have gone out for a movie night. Our first outing was a few weeks ago, when we were first spending time together.

How time has flown!

We’ve seen each other fairly often since those early days, but not constantly. I mean, I have had to work.

I started my job the Monday after our first movie night outing, and settling into my new position has kept me busy.

I’m lucky I have a really nice fellow accountant, Hector, in the cubicle next to mine. He’s around my age and has been helping me out, showing me the ropes and all that fun stuff.

Since we get along so well, he’s brought up a lot that we should grab lunch sometime.

That sounds nice, and I may take him up on his offer at some point, but for now I’m content eating lunch in my cubicle. There’s just so much to learn that it’s been easier to stay in. I can then work and eat at the same time.

I haven’t felt overburdened, though. I think because so much of my free time is spent with Arden, and he and I always have such a blast. I come to work smiling most days, thinking of some little joke he told me the night before or simply what a good time we had doing whatever.
