Page 29 of Arden

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I can’t believe we get along so freaking well.

But we do.

Being with Arden is easy, and I can truly say we’ve become friends.

Still, I don’t always care to share everything, like how sad this stupid movie just made me.

That’s why I try not to make eye contact with him so he doesn’t see that my eyes are wet with tears.

Still, despite having dabbed them discreetly, and only once at the end of the movie, Arden notices my bleary eyes as soon as he looks over at me.

Crap, I swear that man doesn’t miss a thing.

Wrapping a loose arm around my shoulders as the other patrons file out, he says with a chuckle, “Ah, come on, Willow. It’s okay. It was just a movie.”

Ah, hell, he knows I was crying. I may as well let the tears flow freely now.

So, choking back a sob, I cry out, “But the horse died at the end.”

“I know, I know,” he says soothingly as he pats my shoulder. “It wasn’t real, though. That horse didn’treallydie.”

Sniffling, I counter, “No, notthathorse. That was an acting horse. But one did die at some point in time. I mean, the movie is based on a true story, right?”

He can’t argue that, so he concedes, “Yeah, okay, you got me there. But it’s a true story that took place, like, fifty years ago.”


He has a point, and it’s not like we can sit in the theater forever. It’s already emptied out, and an usher just came in to sweep and clean up.

So, blowing out a breath, I declare, “You know what? You’re right.” I wipe my eyes with a napkin from the popcorn we had earlier and blow my nose. “I’m good.”

“Are you sure?” he asks, raising a brow. “You’re ready to go?”

“I am.” I nod.

We leave, and on the way out to Arden’s car, I notice we’re keeping an extra foot or so between us.

That’s normal. Ever since that day at the practice arena, when we shared a hug out on the ice, we’ve been careful about giving each other space and especially not touching.

His comforting arm around me just minutes ago was our first real contact since then.

The sad thing is I liked his arm around my shoulders just as much as I enjoyed our on-ice embrace. Iwantto touch Arden. And I want him to touch me back.

Well, my body does, but my head keeps me in check.

Thank goodness for that, as I don’t need another broken heart.

I’d surely end up with one, too, if something were to happen between us.

I know this because during a conversation we had over lunch last Sunday, he stated, “Man, I’m glad I don’t do relationships.”

We weren’t even talking about ourselves. It was a passing comment regarding a couple sitting two tables away. They were celebrating their five-year wedding anniversary. The employees at the restaurant were a little over the top when presenting them with a cake and flowers, so much so that even the couple themselves appeared embarrassed.

That’s what prompted Arden’s comment.

I just laughed, but the weird thing was he seemed more to be reminding himself of his anti-relationship stance than he was informing me. Then again, maybe it was to get the word out to me too.

I don’t know, but I do think I’m going to need more backstory on why he feels this way. I’m sure I will get it, too, as he’ll probably share why he doesn’t “do relationships” eventually. It’s not like I’ve opened up about Liam yet.
