Page 33 of Arden

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I get comfortable on one end of the thankfully long sofa, and she stretches out on the other. Still, her bare feet are almost in my lap…but not quite.

By the time the movie ends, I glance over to see that Willow, a throw pillow tucked under her head, is out cold.

Aww, she looks so cute sleeping.

I turn the TV off. I know I should get going, but I’m feeling pretty fucking wiped out.

Maybe I’ll just close my eyes and take a quick power nap.

Then I’ll go home.

Yeah, five minutes, possibly ten, and then I’m out of here.


As I start to wake from the best sleep I’ve had in a long while, I feel a warm, muscular body beneath my stretched-out self.

Okay, so, clearly I’m lying on top of a man, but he feels better than Liam ever did.

Mmm, maybe I’m not waking up after all. I must still be dreaming.

My eyes are closed, so I sigh and relax and just enjoy the moment. Since this is an amazing dream that I don’t want to end, I slide my legs onto either side of dream-man’s defined thighs and pull my knees up, basically straddling him.

Ahh, this is nice.

Sighing contentedly, I bury my face into the soft cotton material of his T-shirt and breathe in the enticing scent of laundry detergent and pure man.

Dream-man stirs and wraps his arms around me.

He starts caressing my back.

“This is getting better and better,” I murmur in my dream.

But wait, no, those words just came out of my mouth!

My eyes fly open.

Shit, this is not a dream. There is a real, live man beneath me.

I suck in a breath, and quickly, like my back is made of fire and just burned him, dream-man’s hands fly off of me, his arms dropping to his sides.

I scramble to sit up.

Upright but still straddling him, which really needs to end, I look down and blurt out, “Arden?”

Okay, that’s a stupid thing to say since it’s clearly him that I’m sitting on.

Making no effort to move me off of him, he nods once and says in a thick, sleepy tone that just screams sex, “Yep, it’s me.”

“Shit, damn.” I finally scramble up off of him and plop my butt down on the sofa. “I’m sorry,” I mutter, placing my face in my hands.

I feel Arden move to sit next to me.

Quietly, he says, “You have nothing to apologize for, Willow. We just fell asleep together. Nothing happened.”

“I know, I know.” I drop my hands from my face and wave toward where we were just lying down in such an intimate position. “But I feel bad that I was all up on you like that. Even before the straddling, good God”—I roll my eyes, embarrassed—“I was lying on top of you. I must’ve been that way for hours. I really don’t know how we ended up like that.”

Chuckling, he says, “Hey, I didn’t mind. You kept me warm and cozy throughout the night.”
