Page 61 of Arden

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“The crazy one?” he asks.

Man, how did everyone see it but me?

“Yeah.” I nod. “That would be the one.”

He looks confused as he says, “Okay, yeah, but I don’t get it. Lydia is in your past. Did something happen recently?”

“Did it ever,” I scoff. “First, we ran into her at that fair we went to. The crazy bitch was waving at me like we’re best buds or something. But the part where I fucked up was when Willow asked me if I knew her I lied and told her no. She was just some random fan.”

Nils shoots me a disapproving look. “Dude, that was probably the worst thing you could have said. Blowing it off like that was dumb.”

I shake my head. “I know. I see that now. But it gets worse from there.”

Our salads arrive then, as well as our iced teas, so we take a break to eat.

Once we’ve had a few bites, we slow down, and Nils asks how things went from bad to worse.

I push my mostly empty bowl away and down a sip of iced tea. Taking a deep breath, I then give him the background on how Lydia came to have a key to my house in the first place.

Finally, I fill him in on what happened last week—Lydia’s pseudo break-in.

“Holy fuck!” he exclaims. “She just let herself in?”

“Yeah, she did.” I sigh. “But I’m the idiot who didn’t change the lock and recode the alarm, so that’s on me.”

“Still, dude, that’s pretty ballsy.”

I let out a bitter laugh. “You’d think so, right? But it was just the beginning of the end. When Willow marched into my house and up the stairs, guess who she found in my fucking bed?”


“Yes.” I nod. “And Lydia was buck naked.”

“Oh, fuck.”

I raise a brow. “Right? Needless to say, Willow flipped. We were done right there and then.”

I tell Nils how I called the police and had Lydia removed, and how I wanted to try and make things right with Willow from that point on.

But she won’t let me.

“Man…” I sigh. “I’ve been calling and texting every day. I even stopped by her house. But I can’t get any kind of response out of her.”

I don’t share that I sensed Willow was on the other side of the door when I was at the house. It just feels like something I need to keep to myself.

But I do explain to Nils how I’m trying to balance letting Willow know that I want to work things out without becoming a crazy stalker like Lydia.

Throwing up my hands, I ask, “What would you do?”

He crosses his arms and thinks it over.

At last, he says, “Go see her.”

I clarify, “Like when? Today?”

“Yes, today,” he replies, sounding adamant. “But not later. Go see hernow.” He gestures down the road to where the Thunder complex is located. “Get your ass down to those offices and talk to Willow in person. Enough time has passed. You need to see her face-to-face and work this shit out. You love her, right?”

“Yeah, I do.”
