Page 72 of Arden

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“Thanks.” He moves aside and I step in, the heat between us ratcheting up a few more notches. “You’re not looking too bad yourself.”

I’m trying to be nonchalant, but the man truly is beyond jumpable. He has on ripped jeans and a snug black tee that accentuates his defined muscles.

Just to get him to look at me lustily again, I wave a hand down my body and say, “I’m glad you like this.”

I get what I want and more when he licks his lips and, eyeing me like he might just rip my clothes off of me right here in the entry hall—yes, please—growls, “I’m going to enjoy peeling every last piece of that outfit off of you…but later.” He takes my hand and smiles brightly. “First, I want you to see the apartments I found. I put them all together. I think there are some good ones that you might really like.”

Okay, so much for that. I was into the first part about getting me naked, but again, what’s with the rush to show me apartments, ones that will obviously take me farther away from him?

Huffing, albeit lightly so he doesn’t notice, I let him lead me down the hall to his study.

We step in and, dropping my hand, he rushes over to the desk, where he picks up a packet of papers. I’m assuming these are the apartment listings he’s printed out.

Oh, yay.

My internal musing is sarcastic, but he seems over-the-top happy as he hands them to me. “Here, take a look at these. Let me know what you think.”

God, he’s more excited than a rental agent.

This is strange, but whatever.

I slide the paper clip off and slowly flip through the apartment listings. I try to take it seriously, but my heart is not really into it.

Just to appease him, though, I slide a page or two out from the packet and state flatly, “Okay, so far, these ones look kind of nice.”

I hand him the listings I pulled, and he places them on his desk without even checking which ones I’ve chosen.

Not that I really have either.

Still, I would think someone this excited would be more interested in what I’ve picked out.

But no, Arden just nods to the papers that are still in my hand and says encouragingly, “Keep going. There’s more.”

“All right.”

I sigh and continue perusing. Well, really mock-perusing, as I’m looking at the pages as I go through them but not really seeing anything.

It’s all just a blur of interior and exterior shots of various apartments around town.

Until I reach the last one.


“What’s this?” I say, holding up a paper with a picture of his house printed on it.

Smiling, he takes what remains of the packet and sets them down on his desk.

Clasping my hand, he says, “Here, come with me.”

I am so confused, but I allow him to lead me out of the study and down the hall.

Finally, I ask, “What’s going on, Arden?”

Squeezing my hand, he assures me, “Trust me, okay? It’ll all make sense in a minute.”

I do trust him, so I say, “Okay,” as we step into the kitchen.

