Page 75 of Arden

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But damn, look at her now. She’s so cute, standing with her hands clasped together, like in prayer.

Hey, I’m praying, too, babe.

This all happens in fractions of seconds, but it feels like slo-mo.

I look at her, our eyes locking for the quickest of beats.

And then I’m shooting the puck from almost the same exact spot I was in back in May.

But this time the fucker goes in.


The horn sounds, and it hits me that I just succeeded where I once had failed. I feel vindicated. It’s not the playoffs, of course, but I did just win us the first game of the season.

My teammates descend upon me, and we celebrate like we just won the fucking Stanley Cup. The crowd goes wild too.

And up there with them is Willow.

When I have a chance to break away and peer up at the seats, there’s only one pair of eyes I’m searching for—beautiful cornflower blues that belong to someone who’s made me a better person, a better man, a better boyfriend, and a better player.

I find her, my Willow.

And, for a beat, it’s only her and me, not thousands of other people. In that moment, I know, with every fiber of my being, that we will be together forever.

Willow is my love, my life, my destiny.

And you know what?

This once-confirmed bachelor wouldn’t want it any other way.

Up next in theBreakaway Hockeyromance series of interconnected standalones is book #3—Nils—releasing in April 2024!

S.R. Grey is a USA Today Bestselling Author of the new Breakaway hockey series and the top-selling Boys of Winter hockey books and Men of Fall football novels. Other New Adult and Romantic Suspense works of hers include the Judge Me Not books, the Promises series, the Inevitability duology, A Harbour Falls Mystery trilogy, and the Laid Bare series of novellas.

Ms. Grey resides in Pennsylvania. When not writing, she can be found reading, traveling, running, or cheering for her hometown sports teams, sometimes all at the same time.

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