Page 8 of Arden

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I pick up the hockey stick I left leaning on the net.

Before I get started, I make up the rules.

Okay, so if I hit the target, I’ll stay in Atlanta all summer.

But if I miss or hit the post, I’m out of here.

I’m almost ensuring I’ll be hitting the road. No babysitting or tour guide duties for me.

Chuckling, I grab a practice ball and set up in the same exact position I was in for that fateful shot that hit the post.

Every time I try this, I keep missing or flubbing the shot, just like I did in the playoff game.

So yeah, I’m pretty sure I’ll be packing my bags later tonight.

Taking a moment, I assess the situation.

I need to hit the upper right-hand corner.

I decide to add a level of difficulty. “Let’s see if I can make it with my eyes closed.”

Now it’s highly unlikely I’ll hit the target.

Vacation, here I come.

Winding up, I close my eyes and take the shot.

I hear a noise.

Holy fuck, I think I hit it.

Sure enough, when I open my eyes, I see I nailed the target.

This would have been a beautiful goal if it were that playoff shot.

But it’s not.

This one means nothing, except that I’m staying home this summer.

Babysitting and tour-guiding, here I come!



Iyank the dress off, the second one I’ve tried on so far, and toss it onto the bed.

Yeah, that boring black sheath is not cutting it.

It’s too businesslike, and the first one I tried on was all pink and frilly. I looked like I was off to a Sweet Sixteen party.

Maybe it’s time to get rid of that one completely.

I’ll keep the black sheath, though. I may even wear it for my first day on the job next Monday.

That’s a thought, but for now I need to find something to wear for this damn dinner tonight.

Letting out a long sigh, I take another dress off a hanger.
