Page 9 of Arden

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This one is a clingy black little number with a dark floral print and half sleeves.

It has potential, so I try it on.

Smoothing the stretchy material over my hips, I purse my lips and spin around in front of the full-length mirror on the closet in the bedroom I’m staying in here at Hayden and Addison’s house.

Okay, I like this one.

I guess the third time really is a charm.

Smiling, I declare, “I think we have a winner.”

Even though I have no romantic interest in Arden, who will be at dinner tonight, I want to make a good first impression. I mean, we’re supposed to hang out this summer, right? I don’t want him thinking I’m too stuffy or dull.

Hmm, I doubt he’ll think that.

More likely, his first impression will be a memorable one, seeing as this dress totally hugs my curves. There’s a definite subtle but sexy vibe going on.

Satisfied, I reach over to the dresser to grab my cosmetics bag. I’m not big on wearing a ton of makeup, but I do opt to line my cornflower-blue eyes, apply a touch of mascara, glide a bit of clear gloss over my lips, and powder my nose.

“There, done.”

After I fluff out my long strawberry blonde hair to full volume, I slip on a pair of simple black pumps.

I then head downstairs.

I want to see how Addison and Hayden are coming along with dinner. I offered to help, but they insisted that I, along with Arden, are the guests of honor tonight and therefore not expected to pitch in.

Whatever, we’ll see about that.

I’m planning on helping if anything still needs to be done. I can at least set the table or something, right?

But once I’m on the first floor, I peek in the dining room and find that the table has already been set. Addison beat me to it, and I must say she did really well. The fine china is out, and there are tall candles held in pretty crystal holders running along the length of the table.

With nothing left to do in the dining room, I start down the hall to the kitchen.

But then I hear the doorbell ringing, bringing me to a stop.

Should I answer it?

It has to be Arden.

From the kitchen, Addison, who clearly heard me coming down the hall, calls out, “Willow, can you get the door? We’re just finishing up in here.”

I guess that decision has been made for me.

“Sure!” I yell back.

I make my way to the entry hall, where I take a deep breath before I swing open the door.


Arden is much more handsome in person. And that’s saying a lot, ’cause the guy is quite good-looking on TV and in photos. But here, standing before me in a dark gray pinstripe suit, with his jet-black hair slicked back, accentuating his strong jaw and sharp cheekbones, I am beyond impressed.

I nod approvingly as I say, “You must be Arden, yes?”

Chuckling, as he knows damn well I know who he is, he volleys back, “I am. And I’m guessing you’re Willow?”

Okay, we’re kind of flirting here, though we shouldn’t be.
