Page 137 of Rock Chick Rescue

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“Thank you, dollface,” she said quietly, and I pressed my cheek into her hand as tears filled my throat. Then she said, “But from this point on, you’re off duty.”

My eyes flew to hers but she was looking at Eddie.

“I’m moving in with Trixie,” she announced.

I gasped.

Eddie spoke.

“You’re stayin’ with my mother tonight. Tomorrow you’re movin’ in with a friend who can keep you safe. I don’t know what’s gonna go down next and I’m not takin’ any chances. When it’s over, you can move in with Trixie,” Eddie declared in a voice not to be trifled with.

“Okay,” Mom replied immediately, deciding not to trifle.

“But—” I started, feeling the somewhat desperate need to trifle.

Eddie pulled me up by my arm and talked over me. “Trixie, you come back with us, pack a bag for Nancy, enough for a week.” He turned to me. “You pack a bag too.”

I opened my mouth to speak, but Eddie kept on issuing orders, looking at Trixie.

“You can bring Nancy’s bag back, but I don’t want you two to go anywhere unless you arrange to have someone with you. Do you understand what I’m sayin’?”

Trixie nodded, eyes wide as saucers.

Eddie kept issuing orders. “Indy, stop by to see Tex. Tell him he’s gonna have company.”

Indy nodded too.

Eddie started to drag me toward the door.

“Let’s go,” he said.

I looked at Blanca.

“I’m so sorry,” I said to her, on the trot because Eddie was still dragging me.

“I’ll take care oftu mama,” she promised.

* * *

We tookoff in our mini-convoy and went back to my apartment, Ada riding with Trixie. Before going into her apartment, Ada gave me tight hug.

“You’re a good girl,” she said, her eyes glistening. She nodded to Eddie, probably too scared of him at that juncture to give him a hug, and went through her door.

I told myself not to cry and luckily my self listened.

Trixie packed for Mom and gave me another tight hug.

She looked at Eddie then looked at me. “It’ll all be okay,” she said.

I wished I could believe her.

Trixie took off, I packed and Eddie and I went to his place.

We didn’t talk. Eddie was in a mood.

Truth be told, I was in a mood too, but I was keeping my mood to myself.

And my mood revolved around myfuckingfather.
