Page 169 of Rock Chick Rescue

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“Where I go, my girls go.” She pushed in and I had to admire her even though she scared the shit out of me.

He was twice her size, which put him much taller than all of us. I didn’t know about pushing into a room where I wasn’t wanted, but Daisy was in and we had no choice but to follow.

We all traipsed in (at this point the Daisy-ettes) and sweet, Tinkly-Bell Laugh Daisy was all gone. This was Serious Kick-Butt Daisy.

“Boys,” she murmured, scanning the table.

The men at the table stared at her.

Then they stared at us.

They weren’t happy.

It wasn’t exactly Brad Pitt teaching wannabe megastars how to play poker inOcean’s Eleven. It was dirty, smoky, smelled of sweat and I didn’t like the idea of my dad hanging out in such places, night after night. The thought of it was just plain sad.

They finished their game, found a chair and Daisy sat, Butch giving her chips when she gave him a roll of cash. My eyes bugged out when I saw the roll of cash, but she turned to me and I saw her hair move in a “no” and I just stopped myself from giving out a little scream.

Indy, Ally and I stood quiet several feet away from the table. No one talked. It was all about the cards. Daisy folded her first hand. She got beat on a bluff her second. She won huge on her third.

While they were dealing the fourth, she spoke to the man at her side.

“Where’s Ray tonight?” she asked, calm as you please, like Dad was a frequent guest at dinner parties.

“Don’t know,” he mumbled, not looking at her.

“Marcus is lookin’ for him,” she said, and the guy shrunk into himself.

“Thought he’d taken care of his thing with Marcus,” another guy remarked.

“This is a new thing,” Daisy replied.

“Ray’s a dumb fuck,” a different man said.

Now, I might have been mad at my dad, but I didn’t like hearing someone call him a dumb fuck. I tensed, visualizing my stun gun in my hand, and Daisy, in mother bear mode, slid her eyes to me and her hair did another negative shake.

Daisy turned to Dumb Fuck Guy. “You know where he is tonight?”

“If he was smart, he’d be in Argentina. Since he’s not, he’s sittin’ a table somewhere.” His eyes met Daisy’s. “And no, I don’t know where.”

Daisy folded the next hand and lost huge (and I think on purpose) on the next. Then she got up, motioned to us and cashed out with Butch. We left the room and none of us said good-bye. They didn’t mind us being impolite.

We bellied up to the bar down below, ordered drinks and stood there trying to ignore the stares we were getting.

“Can I just say, you arethe shit,” Ally said to Daisy.

Indy and I nodded.

Tinkly-Bell Laugh Daisy was back.

“Thanks, sugar,” she giggled.

“Did you lose that last hand on purpose?” I asked.

She nodded. “Not good form to go out a big winner, not if I don’t want to make trouble for my Marcus.”

I had to admit, it was true. She was the shit. She knew everything.

“We still don’t know where Jet’s dad is,” Indy pointed out.
