Page 201 of Rock Chick Rescue

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He rolled me over to my back, his body mostly on me. “Chiquita—”

“No, really. I know you want me indebted to you, but it’s getting ridiculous. The car was too much. The coffeemaker…”

He started laughing. Not out and out but his body was moving with it.

I wasn’t sure what was so damn hilarious. According to Daisy, coffeemakers were pretty serious and Daisy knew just about everything.

“What’s funny?” I asked. “No, wait. I’ll tell you what’snotfunny and this is not funny. I’m being serious.”

“You really have a problem with that coffeemaker, don’t you?” Eddie asked back.


“Cállate,mi amor.” he said, and there it was again. I could hear affection in his voice. I wasn’t ready for amused affection, not when we were discussing something as important as coffeemakers.

“Don’t tell me to shut up,” I said to him.

He ran his knuckles down my jaw and looked into my eyes. His were still full of laughter. “I know you work hard for your money. But you should know that it means more to you than it probably means to me.”

“Money means a lot to everyone and I know you aren’t rolling in it, so you have to stop blowing it on me.”

The laughter died out of his eyes.

I had, of course, in the throes of performing my Jet Chat, forgotten that Eddie was a Mexican American man and they tended to be both proud and macho and I’d just stepped all over both of those.

Still, I didn’t care. This was going a lot further and a lot faster than made me comfortable. In fact, this happeningat allmade me uncomfortable. I had to set the brakes, pronto.

“We’re not talking about this,chiquita,” he said to me.

“Yes we are,” I shot back.

His eyes started to get a little glittery.

“Okay then, we are,” he said.


I didn’t think I had control of the Jet Chat anymore.

“Time for our chat,” he announced.

I was right. I didn’t have control of the Jet Chat anymore. The Jet Chat had just taken a scary turn down the road leading straight to the Eddie Chat.


“I think I need coffee before our chat,” I said hoping to buy time.

“After. We’re gonna get a few things straight, you and me.”

Damn, shit, fuckandhell.

I wasn’t doing very well with things crooked between Eddie and me. I really didn’t want things straight. I didn’t know for certain how I wanted things. What I did know was how I didn’t want them and that was Relationship Overdrive while the rest of my life was chaos.


“I know the meaning ofthat‘Eddie,’” he started, “and you can save it. You’re not getting out of this.”

Exactlyhowdid he have mesofigured out?
