Page 5 of Marriage By Trial

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Chapter Three

Alessandra slowly blinked awake and was immediately startled by her surroundings without understanding how she got there. It took a moment to realize she was in a hospital. She groaned as awareness made her body ache all over.

Drake snapped to attention, realizing she was awake, and quickly hopped out of the uncomfortable chair by her bedside. He grasped her hand and leaned over to stroke her hair.

“Thank God, Alessandra! You’re finally awake. Try not to move too much.”

Not letting go of her hand, he reached over her body to press the call button.

“How can I help you?” a garbled voice crackled over the tiny speaker.

“Alessandra is awake.”

“We’ll send the doctor in.”

“How do you feel, bella?” Drake asked.

“Can I get some water?”

Drake hesitated and looked at their joined hands. He had just gotten her back and didn’t want to leave her.

“Please?” she asked.

“I’ll be right back, dolcezza.” He kissed her forehead and turned to fulfill her request, but a knock on the door stopped him.

A doctor in green hospital scrubs with a white lab coat entered the room, followed by a nurse. Underneath the scrub cap, his brown curls brushed his collar. His skin was tanned as though he just returned from a beach vacation, but his hospital ID, reading Dr. Craig, confirmed he was a doctor.

“Good morning, Alessandra. How are you feeling?” the doctor asked with a smile.

She smiled apprehensively at him and tracked his every movement. She hissed in pain as she struggled to sit up. Drake jumped to her bedside. Tears sprung to her eyes as she looked down at the white bandages wrapped around her wrists.

“Slow down, Mrs. Walker! It’s important for you to take it easy and rest so your wounds don’t reopen. We can give you something for the pain if you need it.”

The nurse came to Alessandra’s aid and looped her elbow around hers, allowing her to use the counterweight to scooch up. She then turned to the bed controls, and the mechanics whirred as the bed slowly elevated.

“Thank you,” Alessandra said as the nurse readjusted the pillow behind her.

So many emotions flooded through her, mixed with the physical pain that brought tears to her eyes. Alessandra closed her eyes and wished she could return to the sandy beach of her honeymoon. Anywhere was better than the hospital.

“Can I check your bandages while I’m here?” the nurse asked.

Alessandra nodded her consent, and the woman carefully grabbed her outstretched arm and unwrapped the bandages. Alessandra held her breath, not knowing what lay beneath.

Nausea rolled through her, remembering how Luca’s knife had sliced across her wrists. The coarse scars that marred her skin were inflamed with new marks. She could no longer hold back tears, and they burned her cheeks. Luca was right about one thing; she’d have a new memory to associate with those scars. Drake squeezed her shoulder in silent support.

“I’m sorry, hon,” the nurse said. “As soon as I’m done, I’ll bring you something for the pain.”

Alessandra’s body flushed as they examined her countless wounds. By the time the nurse completed her examination, Alessandra’s pain had manifested into anger. She was down, but she wasn’t broken. She’d survived so much at the hands of her father. What was a little more?

She experienced weakness in her left hand. The doctor demonstrated exercises for Alessandra to stretch and flex her arms and hands during healing.

“I know it’s daunting to experience weakness due to tendon damage, but everything appears to be healing well. We’ll keep you a little longer for observation, but you should be released in a couple of days.

“Continue those exercises to rebuild strength and mobility in your hands. We’ll have you follow up with an orthopedic surgeon in about six weeks to see if you require another surgery.”

“Where’s Noah? Is he all right? I’d like to see him.”

“You need your rest to regain your strength and heal, Mrs. Walker. I’ll check in on you before the end of my shift. If you need anything, please reach out to the nursing staff.”
