Page 105 of The Deadliest Game

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Will You Hurt Me Too?

The morning sun seeped through the cracks of my heavily draped windows, casting a warm glow upon the room. I stood in front of the mirror as Adalaida fussed over my wedding gown's intricate lace and tulle. My heart raced at the thought of my impending marriage.

Adelaida straightened ruffles along my dress, adjusted laces, and then laid a sheet over the dress so that my makeup could be done.

She smiled at me and said, "I know this day is filled with countless things to do and prepare for. But don't forget to enjoy everything.”

I nodded dutifully, still feeling numb. I had a glass of water on the counter and sipped it quietly. Then, Adalaida Morales opened her mouth and said, “I know your parents are gone. I don’t know what your mother told you. Do you... I mean, would you like to know how to seduce a man?

I choked on the water. "San Volcán. No."

She smiled at that. The anxiety about having a baby weighed on me immensely. It consumed my thoughts of self-worth. If I could just… talk to someone, it might get better.

“The Canciller has made it clear we need to have a child soon—” I trailed off. Saying the words felt surreal.

“Oh?” Her eyebrows raised. “That’s quite normal. Antonio took a little longer, but all couples should procreate as soon as possible. Falling birth rates is quite the issue.”

I shifted in my leg, waiting for the painful pinch, which didn’t come. The limb was well-padded today. “Were you… afraid to have a baby?”

She looked at me like she didn’t understand the words coming from my mouth. “I didn’t have a choice.”

My throat tightened. “When you sent Antonio to the Blood Tournament, were you worried that he died?”

She took a step back. “Of course. But it is how things are done.”

On the tip of my tongue were nasty words about those who had died this last tournament. There were so many. So many I knew personally.

The toll was too much.

Almost as if sensing I was about to start crying again, Adalaida shook her head, a red curl spilling into her eyes. “This is all normal. Being nervous is normal. You need tricks to help you get pregnant faster."

What she said surprised me so much, I forgot how much pain I was in. I nodded tentatively, even though that was not what I was talking about.

She grinned. "You'll need a special tea. And I recommend—"

Suddenly, a soft creak broke through the tense silence. Magda slipped into my room like a shadow. She wore a simple yet elegant dress that stressed her natural grace. Seeing her brought a momentary sense of relief to my otherwise conflicted heart.

"Isolda?" Adalaida asked over her shoulder. She then paused. "Who are you?"

I bit my lip to keep from snapping back at her condescension. Magda didn't deserve such treatment, especially not on this nerve-wracking day.

"She's here to help with my makeup," I said firmly.

Magda agreed with a tight smile.

"Fine, then," Adalaida huffed. "Start by helping me with these buttons. There are far too many of them."

"Of course," Magda said, her voice soft as she skillfully navigated the intricate buttons running down the back of my dress.

"Thank you," I whispered as I fought to control my emotions. The weight of this day was becoming unbearable.

Magda's gentle touch grounded me, helping me find strength amid the chaos spinning around me. For now, I would focus on surviving the ceremony, masking the turmoil within me. Thoughts of Antonio would have to wait until later when I could face the truth of what I truly wanted.

"Voy por tu ramo," Adalaida announced, straightening up and admiring her handiwork.

I smiled and thanked her as she slipped out of the room.
