Page 27 of The Deadliest Game

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The ship lurched and the plank connecting it to the dock moved with it, sending a spike of panic through my chest. I gripped the railing until my knuckles turned white, the familiar terror of drowning threatening to overtake me.

My breaths came fast and shallow. I swayed on my feet, darkness encroaching on the edges of my vision. An icy hand gripped my arm, steadying me. I yanked my arm away.

"Easy, now," my fake-father said. I blinked, and resisted the urge to spit on him. "The ship won't bite, I promise. But if you'd rather swim to Eskosia, I won't stop you,” he hissed under his breath.

I looked past him. We were the last two on the gangplank. I was weak, but I was sure that I could run if my life depended on it. I didn’t want to be anyone’s wife.

So I bolted.

Shouts and curses followed in my wake as I shoved through the crowd, ducking under arms and around carts.

“Carmen!” someone shouted, but I kept dashing away.

My breath hurt, and I was feeling dizzy. I ducked behind a group of men carrying large crates. Frantic, I glanced over my shoulder—and slammed into a solid wall of muscle.

Strong hands clamped around my arms, holding me in place. "Easy, now!" a familiar voice said. I looked up at short hair and dark brown eyes.

Javier and Manuel, my bodyguards. How did they know my real name?

“No, I’m Renata,” I bit out, still breathless.

Javier grinned. It was the brightest thing I’d ever seen. “Yes you are, and you’ll go back to being that tomorrow.”

My words dried up—Antonio had probably told them everything. I just hadn’t realized how well they knew me. “What the hell are you doing here?” I demanded.

“We swore to protect you months ago,” Manuel said resolutely, though his stern expression didn't quite reach his eyes.

My heart swelled at the sight of them, tears pricking hot behind my eyes. They'd come for me. They'd actually come—

“Javier, I found the boat. It will leave any second. Come!” A dark figure shoved through the crowd, panting and wild-eyed.

I froze as Antonio halted before me, his chest heaving. Most of him was covered by his long, dark winter coat and hat. For a long moment, we simply stared at each other, the rest of the world fading away.

My heart leapt out of my chest. Perhaps it was because I had just come from such an ugly, dark place, but the one word I could think of while gazing at him was love.

I hated love for too long. It was not the dangerous thing I made it out to be. Thirst for power made monsters far quicker than the insanity associated with love.

I was already going insane. What was a little more insanity?

For a long time, I had thought that a soulmate would be someone exactly like me. Who liked what I liked and thought what I thought, but in that moment, I knew a soul mate was the person who didn’t stop showing up, no matter what. No matter how hard I pushed him away, no matter how many mistakes I’d made, he was here.

I was partially hidden behind Javier, frightened and exhilarated by the flood of emotions warming my insides.

Then Antonio surged forward, wrapping me in a bone-crushing embrace. I melted into him, tears spilling down my cheeks. The sea of people parted as he picked me up as if I weighed nothing.

He hurried through the crowd, and I nestled into him, my stiff fingers winding around his neck. The rapid pulsing of his heart reverberated across my cheek. After days of fear and uncertainty, Antonio's arms were my refuge. His scent, his warmth, the steady beat of his heart against mine—they were anchors in a raging storm, holding me fast when all else seemed lost.

At last, he found his car and opened the door before easing both of us inside. When the door shut, the world was quiet. We stayed like that for a long moment, clinging to each other as if we'd never let go.

When he finally drew back, it was only far enough to gaze down at me, eyes shining with emotion.

“Estás bien?” he asked softly, brushing the tears from my cheeks. "Did they hurt you?" His hands slid down to grip my shoulders, eyes searching my face for any signs of injury.

I shook my head, managing a watery smile. I couldn’t tell him about the scars, couldn’t bear myself to him. We had spent so long at odds, but for right now, I needed to let that all go.

I just needed him.

“You found me,” I said through the large tears rolling down my cheeks. My smile faded as I recalled my near escape. “Omar Gálvez was keeping me captive. He’s a Comcerciante Nocturno.”
