Page 36 of The Deadliest Game

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I shook my head. There was no way in hell I believed that, even if he had somehow managed to convince himself of it. “Youaredelusional.”

His face twisted into a pained expression. “You told me you loved me when you thought I was dying.”

All of the breath whooshed out of my lungs. I had forgotten that, and he had been unconscious. How the hell did he remember?

There was a moment of silence between us, and then Isaac extended his arms toward me.

"Will you marry me, Carmen?" he asked, his eyes unreadable.

A new pang of shock struck me head on. I shook my head and took a step back. Tears were stinging my eyes. Didn’t he understand how pathetic this was? So much guilt and embarrassment was stacked up inside of me that there was no way forward.

I was all blocked up.

Love was dangerous, and I had lied. I had said those things out of obligation, and now I was regretting them.

This is what “love” did to people.

If Isaac wanted an answer now, then it would be a firm, resounding ‘no.’

“Is that what you came here to say?” I asked.

He quirked an eyebrow and nodded. “Yes.”

I took a deep breath.Very well. “I don’t want to marry you. We are too broken.”

His smile shifted. “You’re confused. Don’t worry, you don’t have to tell me quite yet. I will let you think.” He closed the distance between us and reached up a finger to caress my cheek. “Just remember how important information is in this life,Carmen.”

I stiffened. “Are you threatening me?”

He shrugged. “That depends on whether or not you believe I love you. Wouldn’t a man in love do whatever was in his power to win over the object of his desire?”

I gritted my teeth. He was insane, which was something I understood well. At this distance, I could see how dilated his pupils were, and I knew he was using again. It hurt me.

But I couldn’t save him.

Just then, Isolda appeared. “Señor Monroy, your car is waiting.”

He frowned and looked back at me. “Very well. I will see you soon.”

Then he left.

I sagged against the table.



I repeated the words over and over as Javier, Manuel, and Isolda watched me. Isaac wouldn’t call off the marriage because he believed that his mother’s death would mean something if he had me.

It was pitiful and my stomach churned at the thought.

“Señorita, would you come with me?” Isolda said after a few minutes.

Weary, I nodded and followed her, not surprised when she took me to Antonio’s study.

The door to the meeting room creaked open, revealing my team huddled around a dimly lit table. Alvaro Martinez, Felipe Torres, and Joaquín Pérez Ortiz were discussing strategies for the Tournament, their voices even and urgent.

Ana Olguín was not present, and I was grateful.

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