Page 84 of Vow To The Devil

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Dare's mouth twists wryly. "A small price to pay for Solana's freedom. The company is in good hands with Burn now."

He pauses, his gaze growing distant. "You know, it was always supposed to be like this. Me running things behind the scenes, guiding Burn as he took the reins publicly. But over the years, I let ambition cloud my judgment."

His eyes meet mine again, soft with wonder. "You helped me find clarity. You reminded me what really matters."

My throat tightens with emotion. I press my palm to his cheek. "I'm just glad we got her back safely. Our feels complete now."

Dare covers my hand with his own. "It does," he agrees solemnly. "Our family."

We stand there a moment more, hearts full. Then Dare tilts my chin up, lowering his head to capture my lips in a searing kiss.

Our kiss deepens, a reaffirmation of our bond after the day's trials. Dare's arms wrap around me, warm and solid, as my hands slide up his chest to twine behind his neck. For long moments we are lost in each other, our bodies pressed close.

Finally we break apart, breathless. Dare rests his forehead against mine.

"I know there's more we need to discuss," he murmurs. "About my company, about Solana..." His thumb strokes my cheek. "But right now, I just want to be with my wife."

I smile softly, trailing my fingers down his jaw. "I want that, too."

Taking his hand, I lead him towards our bedroom. The stresses of the day slip away as the door closes behind us with a quiet click. We have weathered the storm and found safe harbor in each other's arms.

Dare's hands slide down to my hips as he pulls me close again, his mouth finding the sensitive spot below my ear. I gasp, tangling my fingers in his hair.

"I need you, Talia," he growls against my skin.

My pulse quickens at his raw desire. "Then have me," I whisper.

With a low groan, Dare sweeps me up and carries me to the bed. He lays me down gently amid the pillows before stretching out above me. We undress each other slowly, fingers trailing over newly bared skin.

When at last we are naked, Dare pauses to look at me, his gaze scorching. "You are so beautiful," he says reverently.

I flush under his admiration. "So are you," I breathe, taking in his muscular frame.

He gives a wolfish grin before lowering his head to kiss a blazing path down my body. I arch into his touch, dizzy with need.

I don’t want any penetration, but Dare doesn't even ask for it. He focuses on me, his eyes intent. I cling to Dare, overwhelmed by the intensity of our connection. I reach the peak and sail over it, my whole body tightening in pleasure.

Afterwards we lie entwined, hearts thudding in tandem. Dare presses a kiss to my hair.

"I love you, Talia," he whispers. "Today, tomorrow, always."

I smile softly. "I love you, too. I think I always have. And I know without a shadow of a doubt that I always will."

We share a final lingering kiss before settling into sleep, still wrapped in each other's arms.

As we drift off, my thoughts turn to Solana. My heart swells with love for the little girl who has come to mean so much to both of us. With her addition, our family finally feels complete.

I know the road ahead won't always be smooth. There will be challenges as Solana adjusts to her new life, and dangers we can't yet foresee. But together, Dare and I will face whatever comes.

Tomorrow we'll figure out the steps to make Solana's adoption official. I picture her joyful tears and Dare's proud smile. We'll be a family in truth as well as heart.

With Dare's strong arms around me and Solana sleeping safely down the hall, I know I have everything I need.

As sleep claims me, I make a silent promise: to nurture this new family we are building and to love them all with everything I have.


I runmy fingers through Solana's dark hair, smoothing it away from her tear-stained cheeks. She clings to me, her small body tucked into the curve of mine as we sit together on her canopy bed.
