Page 85 of Vow To The Devil

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"It's okay, sweetie," I murmur. "Everything's going to be alright."

Aunt Minnie perches on the edge of the mattress, her wrinkled hand covering Solana's. "That's right, dear. You're safe here with us."

Solana nods, her breath hitching, but she doesn't speak. My heart aches for this little girl who has already endured so much loss and uncertainty in her short life.

First the loss of her family, then getting shuffled between foster homes. Just when she started settling in with us, Felix kidnapped her, plunging her back into fear and uncertainty.

It's almost too much for one tiny heart to bear.

I wish I could promise her that nothing bad will ever happen again, but I know better than to make vows I can't keep.

The sound of footsteps draws my gaze to the open bedroom door. Dare fills the frame, impeccably dressed as always in one of his tailored suits. Our eyes meet and an unspoken conversation passes between us. He knows I don't want him to go, but his business can't wait any longer. Solana needs me more right now.

"I have to head out for a bit," he says. "But I won't be far if you need me. Just call."

"We'll be alright," I say with more confidence than I feel. "Won't we, Solana?"

She nods again, clutching me tighter. As Dare turns to leave, guilt wars with relief inside me. I want him here, yet his presence is a reminder of the world I tried to leave behind. The world that refuses to let me go.

Aunt Minnie gives my arm a gentle squeeze. "Why don't I make us some tea?" she suggests.

I force a smile. "That sounds perfect."

As she shuffles out of the room, Solana lifts her head from my shoulder. Her dark eyes are still swimming with tears, but there is strength there, too. She has endured so much, but she is a survivor.

Exactly like I am.

The sound of raised voices drifts down the hallway, preceding angry footsteps marching toward us. I brace myself as Remy bursts into the room, his wrinkled face flushed with rage.

"What's the meaning of this?" he bellows. "Summoning me here like I'm some damned servant."

His cruel gaze falls on Solana and she recoils. Anger flashes hot inside me.

"Get out!" I yell, putting my body between Remy and Solana. I bare my teeth at him. "Out of this room right now!"

Dare appears in the doorway.

"That's enough," he says, his voice low but firm.

Remy whirls toward his grandson, sputtering indignantly. But Dare silences him with a look.

"Let's go. You don't need to intrude here," he growls.


Dare leans toward Remy menacingly. "Don't make a scene, Remy."

A look of concern flits over Remy's face. He clears his throat. I've never seen the old man back down so quickly. He glares at Dare, resentment simmering in his eyes.

"Fine," he grits out.

"Burn and I need to discuss some things with you," Dare continues. "Right now."

He turns and strides from the room, not bothering to see if Remy follows. After a moment, the old man shuffles after him, grumbling under his breath. Solana squeezes my hand tightly as their voices fade down the hall.

"Are they going to fight?" she whispers.

"They'd better not, if they know what's good for them." I smooth her dark hair gently. "Dare won't let anything happen to us. I promise."
