Page 49 of Dancer's Heart

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“I am, too.”

Liam and Dragos joined Adam, Dani, and Tesli as they walked into the house. “Can I make you guys some coffee or tea?” Dani asked.

“No, we can’t stay long. The herd is waiting outside of town for us. There’s a winter storm coming and we want to be on the way before it hits.” Dragos said.

The reindeer sat on the couch, and Adam pulled Dani onto his lap as he sat on the oversized chair.

Liam cleared his throat. “A member of our herd is very good with computers, and he did some tracking of the men who had been part of the kidnapping. It confirmed what the human told us before he died; they’re part of a group that I can only describe as a gang. There was a main man at the top, and his henchmen. The petting zoo was a front for the operation, a way to launder money and a headquarters of sorts. Since the petting zoo was closed, the main barn was used as a holding area for abducted shifters.” Liam said. He paused for a moment and Adam knew he wasn’t going to be happy with what he said next.

“I think you probably already figured out that your father offered Dani in exchange for a debt. The reason we know that is because Tesli overheard the humans discuss bringing in a new shifter in repayment for a debt. They had at least one buyer who wanted a rare shifter, and they were trying to get more buyers for an auction.”

Dani shivered, and Adam held her a little tighter.

Dragos said, “We dropped off your grandparents’ car. It was cleaned of any and all evidence that could have possibly linked it to what happened there. We also found the tracking device they had installed and disabled it. With the organization destroyed, there’s no reason to believe that anyone else will come for you or Dani.”

“Where will you guys go now?” Dani asked.

“We’re going north. We’ve decided to find a place to call home permanently. I think our people have been nomadic long enough. When we settle, we’d like to invite you to come visit,” Dragos said.

Liam leaned forward and handed a business card to Adam. “I set up a website. You can send us a message anytime if you need us.”

“Would you be willing to come to our wedding?” Dani asked. “We’re not sure when the date is yet, but I’d like to have some of my own people there.”

Dragos nodded with a smile. “We’d be honored. Send us the details when you know them and we’ll be sure to be there. Tesli can tell you about our mating traditions, so you can add them to your ceremony if you’d like.”

Dani smile. “I would.”

They said goodbye to the herd. Dani and Adam stood on the front porch and watched their SUV until it was gone. She turned to him and he held her. “Did you want to go with them?” he asked.

Her head snapped up. “What?”

He touched his thumb to the corner of her frown. “I don’t mean without me, love. I mean, did you want us to go and live with the herd?”

“Why would I want to do that?”

“Because they’re your people.”

She nipped his thumb and smiled softly. “You’re my people—you and the pack. I don’t need to be where other reindeer are.”

“I’d go anywhere for you, Dani. I just want you to be happy.”

“I’m happiest here,” she said, standing on her tiptoes and kissing him.

He was glad she wanted to stay in Wilde Creek, but he would have gone anywhere she wanted if she’d asked. He looked down into her beautiful eyes. At that moment, he could see their future clearly: children, a home full of love, waking up to her sweet face every morning forever.

“I’m the luckiest wolf to have such a beautiful and loving mate.”

“When you’re ready to start on our family, let me know,” she said, lifting an eyebrow suggestively.

He reached behind her and opened the front door, pushing her gently back into the house. “How about now?”

She giggled. “What about work?”

“I’m calling in sick for both of us.” He tugged his phone from his pocket and gave her a hot look. “Get. Naked.”

She gave him a saucy salute as her coat dropped to the floor and she toed off her boots. “Yes, sir.”

She darted off to the bedroom, dropping clothes in her wake. He texted Jeremiah as quickly as he could and then shut off his phone so they wouldn’t be disturbed. He glanced at the door and flipped the deadbolt before shedding his coat and boots. He was thankful that the reindeer had stopped by to share that Dani was safe from the people who had kidnapped her, but Adam had no intention of ever taking Dani’s security for granted again. He’d made an error once, and it could have cost his sweetheart her life. He’d be damn sure that never happened again.

“Adam,” she crooned, her voice low and sultry.

He growled softly, ripping his clothes off as he drew closer to the bedroom, where he found her naked and waiting for him. The sight of her, lush and aroused, always made his brain stall out, and he found himself struck dumb by how gorgeous she was.

Her hips flexed as she ran her hands down her sides, and her eyes, always such a gorgeous blue, flickered to the burnished gold of her beast. “Mine,” he growled.

“I am. Entirely.”

Pouncing on her with all the grace of a moose in a ceramic store, he took her good-natured laughter with a snarl, silencing her with kisses as they tumbled to the bed. It was a great way to start their family—with love, laughter, and growling.

* * *
