Page 5 of Dancer's Heart

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Row’s face tightened in anger. “She’s my sister.”

“I’m her mate,” Adam said, growling the words. “I’ll take her to her people.”

“Or we could skip it,” Dani said, sliding her hands around Adam’s chest and resting her cheek on his shoulder as she peered at them. “I don’t need to find my people to have found my home.”

Adam turned his head to look at Dani for a long, quiet moment. Without breaking eye contact with her, he said, “You can borrow my truck to drive to Kammie’s.”

Kammie said, “You don’t want to drive us?”

Adam glanced at Kammie for only a second and said, “I don’t really want to leave the house. You can bring the truck back tomorrow.”

“Late tomorrow,” Dani added.

Row made a disgusted sound, and Dani grinned at Adam.

Adam pointed to a hook on the wall next to the front door, where a set of keys dangled, and Row grabbed them. She and Adam said goodnight to Row and Kammie, and when they were gone, Adam walked to the door and twisted the lock.

He turned with a soft growl, and a shiver raced down her spine. She’d never had such a hungry look directed at her. What she’d wanted from the moment she’d scented him in the woods was within her grasp and she had no plans to ever let him go.


Adam closed the distance to his mate swiftly and lifted her into his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist and grasped his shoulders, lowering her mouth to his. He moved to the bedroom as they kissed, his wolf growling with excitement. Part of him wanted to sit and have a long conversation with his mate, to find out everything about her until he knew her more intimately than anyone else. But the larger, less chivalrous part of him didn’t want to do any talking at all.

He crawled onto the bed and laid her down, caging her with his arms. Her scent hit him hard as she sighed against his lips and let her head fall back on the pillow. Her blue eyes were dark with passion, heavy-lidded and sexy as hell. She was his perfect angel, fallen from the heavens just for him. He couldn’t believe how fortunate he was to have found her.

“Adam,” she whispered, her fingers sliding through his hair and her nails scraping his scalp. “I want this so badly. Make me yours, please.”

His throat tightened with emotion. She was laid bare before him emotionally, and he let go of the tight hold on his own emotions.

“I never knew if I’d have a mate of my own. My scars,” he said, closing his eyes for a brief moment, “they make me feel like I don’t belong anywhere.”

“You belong with me.”

“I do,” he said, meeting her intense gaze. “I’m not just lucky enough to have you as a mate, I’m fortunate that the most beautiful female I’ve ever seen in my life is my truemate, the one female on the planet meant for me.”

She blinked as tears filled her eyes. “You’re going to make me cry.”

He kissed her, tasting the salt of her tears. “I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he said against her lips. “I just want you to know how important you are to me. I swear to spend the rest of my life making you happy.”

She nipped his lower lip and arched her brow as he met her gaze. “You can start by losing your pants.”

He loved that she was comfortable enough with him to tease him even though they’d only known each other for a little while. “I hope you didn’t plan to get any sleep tonight,” he said as he eased from the bed and shoved his jeans to the floor, stepping out of them. He climbed up the bed as she scooted back, and knelt between her spread legs.

“Nah,” she said, reaching for the bottom of the shirt she wore and lifting it slowly. His brain fizzled out as he watched her gradually bare herself to him. Her pussy was bare and glistening with arousal, and he wouldn’t have been able to look away for anything.

His hands tightened on her knees as she pulled the shirt over her head and tossed it away. She leaned back on his pillow and rested her hands on top of his. He slid back on the bed, easing down between her legs. His muscles ached as he moved, but he pushed past the pain to focus on Dani. He looked up the length of her body and found her smiling in anticipation. She sank her teeth into her bottom lip, and he growled softly before flicking his tongue out to graze her clit. She inhaled sharply, her nipples beading tightly as her hands slid into his hair and tugged him forward.

She moaned his name as he kissed her pussy and pushed her thighs further apart to expose her more fully to him. He licked her clit, rubbing his tongue along either side before sucking it into his mouth. She groaned and tilted her hips. He flicked the tip of her clit as he sucked, wiggling the tight bud while she writhed under him.

He released her clit and slid his hands underneath her, lifting her to his mouth as he stroked his tongue into her. Her sweet taste saturated his senses, driving him wild as her thighs tightened around his head and her fingers twisted in his hair. He growled as he licked her and she moaned loudly, rubbing herself on his tongue. Laving her pussy from bottom to top, he swirled his tongue around her clit and took it into his mouth once more. She released his hair and gripped the slats of his headboard, crying out as she came.

“Adam, Adam, please,” she groaned, as he pushed his tongue into her wet heat, drunk on her scent and taste.

He lifted from her and saw her knuckles were white as she gripped the headboard, her mouth open and her lower lip plump from where she had been biting it. He’d never seen anyone as beautiful as Dani, flushed from climax and wanting more.

He kissed up her body slowly. Her skin was so soft, and she deserved to be worshipped from head to toe. He nuzzled her stomach, kissing her navel and moving leisurely up her, stopping to nuzzle and lick her nipples. She caged his hips with her legs, twining her ankles together at the small of his back. He slid his hands underneath her and gripped her shoulders as the head of his dick touched her pussy. She was slick with arousal, and the tight heat of her pussy was almost enough to make him come as he pressed slowly into her.

She tugged him closer with her legs, lifting her hips and urging him forward.
