Page 13 of The Last Fire

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It’s self-defense. Don’t back down! One small mistake, and it’s all over. But not for me!

“What the fuck is this, boss? When you hired us, you failed to mention that the chick it’s a fucking ninja!” The dude with the messed-up knee is freaking out, leaning on a car.

The Crasnic looks around, then looks at me. He doesn’t say a word, but I can hear him breathing heavily behind that pig mask. He doesn’t have time for talk, he’s all about actions because he’s eyeing something that is both my weakness and my strength right now.

My mom.

”Don’t you dare touch her!” I scream, launching myself at them, but I’m struck full force by one of their kicks.

I manage to block it somewhat, but not completely, and I lose my balance. I arch my back and flex my abs, trying desperately to lessen the pain, even though I hardly feel a thing. When the idiot in front of me mindlessly attacks again, I grab his leg and twist it, using it as a ladder to climb up on him. I completely immobilize him, face down, and use him as my pawn.

“Bloody hell?!” the Crasnic angrily exclaims while I see the only one left untouched coming closer to me.

“One more step and I’ll snap his shin like a twig, I swear!” I snarl, breathing heavily and foaming at the mouth.

”Fuck you! You don’t have the nerve!” The last one challenges me, taking a step forward.

“No!” the Crasnic’s voice cuts in, and he checks the pulse of the guy who got acquainted with the bat, now knocked out cold. “What she’s got right now is way more than just guts. Ain’t that right, little piggy?”

Little piggy - I think I know exactly who I’m dealing with, and that thought seriously freaks me out.

“What were you thinking with this ambush? Trying to scare me?” I clench my teeth so hard, choking back the feeling of fear.

“Let Josh go!” The one remaining untouched seems all confused, actually calling his ambush buddy by name.

“Josh? I don’t know any Josh,” I give the guy beneath me a quick glance and snatch his mask off. He doesn’t look familiar at all, and his features don’t ring any bells.

Never seen this dude before.

But it doesn’t matter.

Time’s running out, and all I wanna do is get rid of these losers and get to my mom.

“Let go of my mom,” I put the mask back on his face and tilt his head back, hearing him wince in pain.

“I can’t do that,” the leader shoves his hands in his pockets and keeps on challenging me.

“What are you gonna do now, Becca?”

Without a hint of remorse, I stick my thumb into the hole in the mask, feeling his squishy eye yield under my fingertip. His screams don’t trigger a damn thing in me, just a sickening sensation as the liquid drips through my trembling fingers.

The guy next to the Crasnic covers his ears, but I don’t stop.

I can’t.

I won’t.

It’s like something inside me that was asleep for years suddenly woke up, and I can’t control it anymore.

They deserve to suffer.

They fucking asked for it!

Do it!

Make them suffer just like they made you suffer!

Do it!
