Page 12 of The Last Fire

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I clench my fists, tearing my gaze away from the notebook and locking eyes with Samael, who’s still sporting that smug grin. Right now, I can’t even tell if he’s genuinely surprised or if this is just his true colors shining through. In just a split second, it feels like everything I thought I knew about him is wiped away completely.

In a split second, everything I thought I knew about him vanishes into thin air.

The trust I had painstakingly built over the years crumbles before my eyes, reduced to nothing in mere seconds.

Amidst this whirlwind of mixed feelings, one thing shines crystal clear: today, Samael stabbed me in the back and destroyed my trust.

“You’re not like the others... you’re worse!” I say after picking up my agenda and pencil from the ground, then I run out of the cave, bursting into uncontrollable tears.

The rain pours down relentlessly. No one will see my tears.

I hate him!

They are always making fun of me, simply because I’m the only girl in the gang. But today felt different, and it’s all because of him. Samael transforms in the presence of his brothers. I hate this Samael!

He’s just like the rest, and I don’t like the rest, I only like him.




The pain shoots through my body like an intense electric shock. It hurts, surging in waves that won’t stop. The chaos around me starts to fade, or maybe it’s the ringing in my ears growing louder, drowning out the world?

When I see my mom unconscious, sprawled on the pavement, something inside me shatters. I inhale a breath that feels insufficient and I am struck by the realization of the grim reality I find myself in and the magnitude of my recent loss.

One day, the darkness that resides within you will overshadow the very last vestige of light. At that point, Rebecca, there will be no redemption, because you are vicious, and vices are never cured. You can only let it consume you, as it inevitably will when the final fragment of goodness vanishes from the depths of your heart.

My mother remains the sole beacon of kindness that flickers within my heart. The moment has arrived. I can feel it, I recognize it, my last ounce of kindness just vanished into thin air, and right now, everything in front of me turns pitch black.

My sanity slips away.

I snap, disregarding the consequences of my impending actions, driven not by reason but by the seething fury coursing through my veins.

They shouldn’t have crossed that line, but now it’s too late. Not for me, but for them.

There’s no going back for anyone.

Maybe... it’s too late for me too.

I rise to my feet, seizing the bat before me. Without a moment’s hesitation, I dart toward the masked men attempting to flee the parking lot, as if they could evade the aftermath of their heinous act. Gathering momentum from my leap, I deliver a forceful blow, connecting with the camouflage-clad man’s head, the sickening crack echoing as the baseball bat makes contact.

His scream fills the underground parking lot, and before anyone can even react or the white-masked guy hits the ground, I kick the other one that has the red-striped jacket. The sound of his knee crunching under my sneakers echoes through the air.

“Aghhh!” he howls, and in an instant, a clenched fist collides with my face, igniting a fiery sensation upon my cheek, and propelling me forcefully against a nearby parked car.

Some might say it’s impossible, that a guy’s punch would knock a girl like me out. But they don’t know Sensei, the guy who’s completely changed my life and now I can take a solid hit without passing out.

I spit out a mix of saliva and the metallic tang of blood, flooding my mouth, and I feel my lower lip starting to swell.

“You fuckin…” His words are cut short as another fist hurtles toward me, but I swiftly seize his hand, twisting it with a firm grip, pressing his face against the windowpane that cracks upon impact.

Adrenaline courses through me, but I refuse to lose focus. I flex my knees, remaining on guard even after taking the initial blow.

Don’t forget to breathe! Breathe, Rebecca!

But this is no gym scenario, this is real life. This is the harsh reality I have trained relentlessly for. I feel no pain. Apparently, adrenaline is doing its job, encouraging me to unleash myself without restraint.

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