Page 133 of The Last Fire

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I collapse onto his chest, shaking spasmodically in every joint, giving our sexes a break to share the last pulse of pleasure after such a violent orgasm. The feeling of pleasure passes, and is replaced by an immense sadness, by a need that is greater than physical.

I would like to be loved, but I know that Manasseh does not love me, and I will never be able to love him.

Tears well up in my eyes, and around us, only the gentle waves of the sea can be heard, along with our labored breaths.

“I hate you,” I whisper, rest my head on his damp chest, listening to his rhythmic heartbeat and inhaling the scent emanating from his warm skin.

“I also hate you so fucking much,” his arms refuse to let go of me, and our hearts begin to calm down.




What just happened was toxic and pure.

Forbidden but necessary.

He and I, becoming one.

I admit that Manasseh satisfies my sexual needs, but will that really be enough to make me stay close to him, or will I end up a runaway like in the past?

“I'd really like to stay inside you for the rest of my life, but I think that bloody Peter is somewhere nearby staring at us right now,” Manasseh mumbled hoarsely, looking up at the sky.

I rise off his chest, feeling the hot liquid seeping down my legs, and I shiver.

“Sorry,“ I murmur and tuck my hair behind my ears.

I have no idea why I apologize, but I do anyway.

I get off him, and sit next to his massive body, pulling the robe around me and then playing with my fingers, lost in thoughts.

I’m an idiot. I just fucked my childhood friend, for the second time now, who also happens to have been my idiot neighbor, turned sadistic pervert now, who only thinks about how to ruin my life and my pussy, and where and in what degrading way to fuck me, so he can make his revenge as entertaining as possible.

What can you expect from me?

It's perfectly fine to apologize to the idiot who most likely left me incapacitated for hours to come, after forcing my body to accept him. Whoever said that sex hasn't killed anyone surely didn't do it with Manasseh.

“But why would Peter be here?” I ask curiously, scanning around, but all I can see in the darkness of the beach is the path next to the well-lit resort, with enough people at the tables for at least one more perceptive to have noticed us.”

“I asked him earlier to get you some new clothes,” Manasseh looks out towards the sea, an obvious awkwardness settling between us.

“Okay, thanks,” I glance at him from the corner of my eye and notice he hasn't changed his clothes, which leaves me puzzled. “And you?”

His pants are pulled up higher than his ankles, a clear sign he had prepared before the surprise attack and had rolled them up. His shirt is nearly undone down to his waist, and I try to keep my eyes away from the curve between his well-sculpted pectorals, now covered in scratches as if he had just escaped a battle with an angry cat.

“Me too,” he takes a cigarette from the heavily crushed pack this time, tucks it into the pocket on his chest, and places it between his lips while sitting, captivated by the moon floating out at sea.

“What's going to happen from now on?” I look at the moon's reflection on the water, recalling my mother and the day she brought me to see the sea for the first time.

“Nothing you can't handle,” he says it with an implied meaning, but serious, and my stomach tightens as I watch the smoke dissipate with the collision of a new foamy wave on the shore.

My mind refuses to see his innuendo in a sexual manner, despite how my body reacts to every ambiguous word he says. Manasseh is a complete contradiction to me.

“What do you plan with mom?”

“Your mother will be safe and at peace until the end of her days, as long as you remain a good and obedient girl. Wasn't that what you wanted?” he inhales deeply, almost greedily, and exhales through his nose, resting his wrist on his raised knee, letting the cigarette smolder aimlessly.
