Page 139 of The Last Fire

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Immediately, the man in uniform notices this and immobilizes him face down, bent over the car.

“Please, sir!” Peter intervenes. “We can solve it another way,” Peter's arm clings to the policeman's shoulder, but the young woman accompanying him steps in.

“Sir, I warn you to stand aside, or you will be charged with obstruction of justice.”

“Obstruction? This is abuse of service here!” Peter pulls back and raises his hands defensively to his chest.

“The gentleman preferred to ignore the warnings and the identification, and now he resists the invitation to the station,” the girl signs something on a tablet and everything degenerates so quickly, it overwhelms me.

“Fucking invitation,” Manasseh snorts in irritation and refuses to give up easily, mocking even the authority of the police.

“Stop resisting, or it will just be worse for you,” the policeman tries to handcuff him, but Masse is no longer paying attention to him, because his eyes are now fixed on me.

Hair disheveled, leaning over the police car and a devilish grin on his face, he devours me with his eyes. He's mad, he doesn't even care that he's about to be taken away by the cops, because he's naively sure I won't allow it, and I'll step in before he's handcuffed.

“That's what I told him earlier, and he didn't want to listen to me, and now he's barely standing,” he keeps talking to the policeman, and I feel the uniformed girl's fingers dig into my arm, and his pupils dilated.

That's Manasseh’s effect.

Degrading and maddening, like an expensive drink that takes over your mind. She is attracted to him.

I can't help but notice the clumsy gestures of the young policeman who struggles to hold his positions, nor the ironic attitude of Manasseh, and in addition to his imposing stature, there is also the foolish pride of his race and the bravado with which he defies the policeman.

His audacity knows no bounds. Does he think this is a game? He can't be that dumb. Does he think I'm always going to be the one to rescue him for the rest of his miserable life?

I fucking won’t! Not now, nor ever, not even if I deserve him and he deserves me.

I'm Having a revelation, and not from God.

“The truth is… I went out for a walk at sunset. He came behind me very angry, and accused me of looking at another man at dinner. He's an extremely jealous man, and it's not the first time. I didn't think he wouldn't react so violently, being on a public beach, but as usual, he hit me without mercy,” I cover my mouth with my hand and hide behind the policewoman. “He slapped me so hard my nose started bleeding,” I cover my nose and point to the stains on his shirt.

Masse starts laughing, which puts the police officers in an even more uncomfortable situation.

“So that's how you want to play?” he says, the sounds of the handcuffs resonating as they capture his hands behind his back.

I gently nibble on my lower lip, stifling a grin in my palm before it shows on my face.

“Please! I'm very scared,” I murmur in a frightened voice, barely holding back a burst of laughter because of the delicious satisfaction I’m feeling.

“Sir, please. Let's figure this out calmly,” Peter brings his hands to his head and looks at me confused. “I'm sure it wasn't really like that. Miss Rebecca!” he looks at me in despair.

Sorry, Peter. But the idiot deserves it.

“I can't stand this nightmare anymore,” I cover my face and sob.

“What the fuck! I haven't even touched her. And if I did, I made sure she liked it,” Manasseh grumbles, his pride wounded. “I don't hit women. Not with my fists, at least,” I see his canines biting his lower lip, annoyed.

“And what about the argument in the parking lot where you had me beaten up? Or all the times you’ve slapped me lately,” I say the truth this time. “You can ask Detective Skyfall from London” I strengthen my arguments, and people believe me.

“It's not true!” Manasseh grits his teeth, finally aware of how serious things are.

“Oh, sure! That's what they all say!” The young policewoman dares to speak, but when Manasseh's eyes fix on her, I see her gulp and back off.

Disappointment is written all over Manasseh's face.

I look at him in return, and for a moment, I feel proud of myself. I kept my words and served him his own poison.

“Stay here with the young lady for her statement,” the man shoves Manasseh in the car, watching for his head. “I'll handle the troublemaker.”
