Page 145 of The Last Fire

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My heart starts pounding. I rush downstairs and burst out the back door into our yard, then into theirs. When I press the back door's handle, I realize it's open.

A void in my stomach grows, and I step inside.




I burst into the house of people I haven't seen in years.

I didn't even weigh the possibilities - my determination led me straight to Samael's room.

As I reach the door, I press the knob determined to find who's in Samael's room so late. It can't be Manasseh; he's away in Romania, which is the one certainty that saves me from one unpleasant possibility. There are also the parents of the two brothers, but from what I heard from Peter, they are also in Romania.

I open the door and spot a tall boy with dark brown hair tied in a bun, and an olive, tanned complexion, rummaging through some shelves.

“Uriel?” The name escapes my lips.

“Becca?” he blinks, momentarily confused.

“What are you doing here?” I feel my pulse quicken in my throat, a mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through me.

“What am I doing here? I live here. The real question is, what are you doing here?”

“I...,” I look around, flustered, not sure how to respond.

“It doesn't matter now. Come here!” Uriel grabs my legs and lifts me up in his arms, almost bumping my head against the doorframe if I'm not careful. “You're still refusing to grow, aren't you?” He laughs, holding me in his arms.

“I can't say the same about you, Maluma!” I blink and admire his tropical air, with his broad, bronzed shoulders and the small bun tied at the back, blond streaks peeping through his brown hair.

“You know... Viva la vida, viva la fiesta!” Uriel puts me down and looks at me with joy. “I'm living life the way I want, to the fullest.”

“I'm glad you're happy,” I smile, genuinely happy for him.

“It seems like I can't say the same about you, smurf! Have you been crying?” He gently pinches my cheek.

“A little,” I sigh, not knowing where to start.

“Sit down and get everything out while I search for my graduation diploma that I've been forgetting to bring in its original form for over a year. Dumb Lucia told me she stored them all in here, as this room has been empty for so long.”

I look at Samael's bed and swallow. I sit down and run my hand over the soft fabric of the bedding.

“There are so many things that are wrong in my life that I don't even know where to start. Maybe I'll start with the fact that things have been getting worse and worse after what you did to me that night. Yes,” I nod, “that would be the best place to start.”

“It was just a game, Becca. The fact that you got scared, and things got out of hand, it's not something either of us could have controlled.”

I feel my blood beginning to boil in my veins. Neither of them have any remorse, and that makes me harbor some dark thoughts.

“Shut up and listen to me now, since you asked me how I've been,” I raise my head from the ground and look at him hostilely. “I want you to know exactly where this game led, and I want you to listen carefully.” The cold tone of my voice gets Uriel's attention, and he puts everything aside, giving me his full focus.

“I'm listening...” he sighs and remains quiet because he has no choice.

“Alright... where was I? Oh yes! The game had consequences, but only on one side of the barricade. The other side was unscathed.” I'm careful about the tone I use because I don't want to give away that I'm ready to rip his eye out at any moment.

How dare he talk to me with such ease? I want him to listen to me and take it to heart because we're not kids anymore. It's time to take responsibility.

“I thought you got over it,” Uriel looks at me embarrassed.
