Page 15 of The Last Fire

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The parking lot, was I really there?

If so, then my mom... was she hurt?!

I jump out of bed, forgetting about the shattered glass in the room. One of the shards stabs my foot, and I almost collapse, but that doesn’t stop me as I slalom my way through the glass mess and make a quick exit from the room.

The people around me, as well as the medical staff, buzz back and forth along the blindingly white corridor.

“Where’s my mom?!”

I stop a nurse in her tracks, and she gives me a strange look as if she’s seen a ghost.

“Are you the patient from room 222?”

“Yes. I need to know if my mom is okay.”

”Patient in room 222 has awakened,” the nurse speaks into her walkie-talkie, then guides me back to the room.

“I don’t want to go back. I want to talk to my mother.”

“First of all, you’re not allowed to leave the room. Secondly, you’re not in a position to make demands, so behave yourself and stop acting like a spoiled child.”

Her tone irritates me, and my temper flares up.

“Why? What’s your problem? All I want is to talk to my mother. Am I asking for too much?”

“You are under criminal investigation for attempted murder,” the woman’s news hits me like a punch to the gut. Her tone irritates me, and my temper flares up.

Out of nowhere... but it starts to make sense.

“What?” I blink like crazy, trying to piece it all together.

That messed up dream flashes in my mind, and I remember the dude whose skull I smashed with the bat or the one whose eye I...

“No... I didn’t…”

I have to be careful with my words. I can’t spill anything that can be used against me. Is this their plan? To frame me, to turn me from victim to freaking criminal?

I won’t play their game.

I let go of the nurse’s arm and shrug my shoulders, taking a deep breath.

Damn it!

I admit that, whatever the unfavorable position I find myself in, it’s not entirely their fault. I allowed the situation to spiral out of control, I lost my composure knowingly. If only I had restrained myself in the parking lot, if I hadn’t gone off the deep end... surely I wouldn’t be in this complicated mess.

I had done it again.

I let my impulses take over, even though I know they’re so destructive. I’m fully aware of it all, and one more thing.

It felt damn good.

The power, the control, the moment I broke free and let myself go, it all made me feel so alive after years of feeling dead inside. But here’s the question: If I knew all the crazy consequences that would come with it, would I still make the same choice? I already know the answer, but saying it out loud scares me.

“That’s for the cops to figure out. My job is to take care of you, not judge. But if I could choose to not help someone who’s caused nothing but trouble, I wouldn’t be bothering to bandage your wounds, the nurse says while cleaning my bloody foot.”

“Fine, then just leave me alone,” I pull my foot away and avoid eye contact.

This lady is making me feel like crap, as if I’m some kind of freaking serial killer.
