Page 16 of The Last Fire

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“That’s what I do,” she keeps on bandaging me, and I decide to shut down the conversation, waiting for the cops to show up.

I reach out for the water glass on the nightstand, but it slips right through my fingers.

“These are the side effects of being in a coma. They should get better over time. Or maybe not…”

I stare at my weak hand, at the limp fingers, and realize how powerless I am, not even able to crush an ant.

For a moment, I panic and look at the nurse in despair. After making eye contact, I realized she intentionally made me worry. What’s wrong with these people intentionally pushing me?

Lately, it feels like God is constantly testing me.

Irregular breathing, racing heartbeat, excessive sweating, and physical weakness, are all symptoms of a panic attack.

I close my eyes and force myself to take deep breaths. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, forcing my body to ignore the hyperventilation that has taken over. I can’t let it escalate to that point; I have to keep calm.

“I want to be alone, “ I inform the obnoxious nurse as I watch her gather everything from the floor and leave without even glancing back at me.

The Crasnic totally messed me up. I’m back to being the weak and sickly girl I used to be when I was a kid. I can’t stand this! I look at my thin fingers as they weakly grip the remote I found on the nightstand. Apparently, the TV is distracting me from all the negative thoughts, and after like an hour, two dudes walk into the room, one slightly older than me and the other one a newbie.

“Go grab us some coffee, Tobey. I got this,” the older guy signals to the kid.

“Yeah, sure, boss,” the kid takes some cash and leaves just as he comes in.

“Hey there, Sleeping Beauty. We’ve been waiting for you to wake up for a while now. We were getting pretty worried, you know.”

“Yesterday wasn’t my best day... But I guess you already know that,” I speak politely, thinking it might be the best approach when dealing with law enforcement.

“Caesar Skyfall, he shows me his badge, and I can already tell he enjoys playing the cool cop. And it wasn’t yesterday, but... 3 days ago, he looks at his phone and makes some calculations. On 02/22/2022, to be exact.”

“Wait, what?!” I glance around the freshly swept room by the earlier nurse.

“You’ve been unconscious all this time, probably from that blow to your head.”

I’ve been out cold for three days just from a punch? I touch my face, which still hurts like hell, and realize it’s swollen. This is so embarrassing. I finally caught on to what the nurse was mumbling about, and the fact that I completely ignored the term “induced coma.”

I’m a mess right now, and I can’t seem to piece my thoughts together, so I clutch my temples in my hands and fix my gaze on the floor.

“Mom...” I whispered, the only persistent thought in my mind.

“We’ll talk about her, too. But…”

“I want to see her,” I lift my gaze and lick my dry lips.

“First, the statement,” the commissioner raises his notepad and moves to the other side of the bed.

“I have nothing to say without my lawyer,” I tug at the bedsheet, covering myself up to my throat.

“You have a lawyer?” Skyfall raises an eyebrow with curiosity.

“I... I will hire one,” I try not to appear uncertain, but all that comes out is a stutter.

What am I even talking about? I can’t even afford one.

“Why? Do you think you need one?”

“You tell me. Do I?” I look at the dark-haired man, as a smirk curls up in the corner of his mouth.

“Don’t worry. You don’t need one,” the man looks at me intently for a few moments, and I feel like I’ve messed up. “At least not yet.”

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