Page 69 of The Last Fire

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“Please, anything but this,” I look at him defeated, barely suppressing my sob.

“I know this is what hurts you the most. You hate it when I touch you, you hate that someone you despise so much has you wrapped around their finger. But let me tell you something, Becca. I couldn't care less about why you hate me! You destroyed me, and I want you to feel as shattered as I felt. Five long years... it felt like it was never going to end, but now, you're finally here, beneath me, just as I've imagined you so many times.”

“I’m begging you! Let's leave the past behind!”

Manasseh starts laughing, tossing his hair back, then he looks at me with superiority, making me realize how pitiful I must look.

“What are you even saying? That we should just kiss and make up and then forget about everything? Should I trust you not to run and report me to that jerk cop who'd hit on you the second I'm out of sight? Do you know how badly I wanted to burst out of that bathroom and break down the door when you were parading half-naked in front of him? You're mine, Becca. I want to mess with your head so much, until you start craving it, because deep down I know you secretly want it too. You can't deny it, because when your body reacts like that, it tells the truth.”

His fingers graze the curve between my breasts, drawing little circles around a nipple.

“You're messed up...” I mutter and refuse to meet his eyes, turning my head away.

“Look at me,” he grabs my chin and forces me to meet his gaze. “Do you know that ever since then, I haven't been the same. Fix me!”

“What the hell are you talk...”

My toes curl as his lips crash against mine again, and I taste the faint metallic tang of his blood on the corner of his mouth. My body tenses as Manasseh's pants tighten, his cock pressing against my intimate area.

“How about I take a good, innocent girl like you and turn her into a slutty, depraved woman who craves my cock every time I'm not around?” His tongue licks my cheek, gliding teasingly along the inside of my arm before planting a soft kiss, then his lips capture the flesh, and he bites down gently, just below the armpit. “Doesn't that sound like fun?” He traces an invisible line with the tip of his tongue above my collarbone.

I start shaking, not with excitement, but with fear. I'm afraid of the impact Manasseh could have on me once I become his. I'm scared that once he stains me with his poison, I'll be ruined forever.

Tears well up in my eyes, unsure of what to do.

“Don't cry, Becca!” he says, looking at me as if he actually cares, and flashes a twisted smile. “It almost makes me feel sorry for you.” He brushes his thumb against my cheek, his touch both gentle and mocking at the same time.

“Don't you dare smile at me, you nasty creep! Does it give you pleasure to see me like this? Does it make you all tingly to have me under your control?” I spit out my words, unable to hold back my disgust. “As if I would ever willingly submit to you!”

Manasseh hits me again, this time across the mouth I used to unleash my anger at him.

“I will punish you until you learn to respect me. You'll be eating out of my hand, and you won't even know how to resist when you realize you can't fight these feelings for me anymore. Trust me!” He wipes his face with his free hand.

“I feel nothing but disgust!” I raise my voice, letting my words echo in the seemingly empty garage. My eyes widen, desperately trying to convey the revulsion I feel.

Nothing he says or does will ever change that.

“Shh,” he covers my mouth and licks his lips. “Once I'm through with you, you'll learn to enjoy it, and you'll be begging for more,” I feel his lips glide down my neck, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine.

His lips moisten slightly, and he takes one of my nipples into his mouth. As his hot, eager tongue licks the hardened bud, making sure I won't ruin his fun, he covers my mouth more firmly, while his other hand glides over my abdomen, heading down towards my pelvis, and slowly ventures towards my intimate area.

I squeeze my legs tighter around him, pulling him closer to me.

“But I know how stubborn you are, Becca. That's what makes you perfect for this role. Where's the excitement if everything comes easy? You're scared of what I've got here,” he presses his erection against my intimate area, “And you're worried it won't fit. But let me tell you something, Becca, wherever I've been, I always find a way. And once I find a way inside you, you won't ever want me to leave,” his fingers graze my clitoris, and I let out a gasp beneath his strong hand.

His cool hand slips even further into my pants, and I can't believe this is how things will end.

Hope is a double-edged sword. When you're teetering on the edge, you keep hoping until the last possible moment, praying that something will happen, that someone will save you, even as the path becomes narrower.

I shake my head, attempting to break free, but my body betrays me, getting wet despite my resistance. I can't believe how my own body refuses to obey, allowing Manasseh's fingers to glide effortlessly between my legs. My eyes widen, and before I can react, he enters me deeply, causing my pants to dampen with each forceful movement of his thick finger inside me.

“You say you don't like it, but I didn't even have to wet my fingers; you were already sooo wet. You’re a vicious little whore, Becca, and deep down, you love it, no matter how much you deny it.”

“No! I mutter, trying to protest under his hand that's still covering my mouth, shaking my head in defiance.

“Worried about your dignity, huh? Well, don't you worry, love! I'm gonna fuck you so badly until there's nothing left of that useless dignity of yours, and it won't stand a chance between us and what we really desire. Your body doesn't lie! My hand is drenched, and you're already soaking wet as I whisper dirty words into your ear, turning you inside out with just my fingers.” He pulls his hand out of my pants and licks his fingers with a suggestive grin, still glistening from my wetness.

“You're out of your mind!” I manage to gasp, my eyes darting to the window behind the warehouse, where raindrops angrily pelt against the yellowed glass.
